Dream of shop shop mall

Dream of shop store shopping mall is what mean?Dream dream of shop store shopping mall?Dream of shop shop stores have reality and the influence of the reaction, also a dream of subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up for the dream of you tidy shop mall stores detailed solution.

Dream of shop shop mall

Dream of a row of shops is auspicious.

Dream of store is inauspicious, business will fail.

Dream of grocery store, house is a mess.

Dream of shopping in stores, cast a pall over love.

Dream of Alfred minas, extra spending will increase.

A womanDream of jewellery shop, is auspicious, to acquire new jewelry.

Dream of perfume shop, will establish the friendship with elites, not only his rich, and relatives and friends will get benefits.

Dreaming that I am sitting in the shop, the business will go bankrupt.

Patient dreamed that go to the mall, soon after the illness experience to heal.

Soldiers dreamed that go to the mall, due to misconduct disciplined.

Dream of a store a wide variety of goods, means that your career will make all aspects of the prosperity and progress.

Dreamed of a few goods store, which indicates that you previously paid all the efforts will be wasted, only helpless and endless quarrels for itself.

Dream of their own storeThe fire, you will after his business and to enjoy a happy way to upgrade.

Dreaming that I am shopping in a department store that will cause you a lot of the source of happiness comes from access to a variety of interests.

Dream of you in a store selling goods, said at a friend's help and your efforts, you will get great progress.

Dreamed that you sell to a woman in the shop a clean gray cotton gloves, means you be fond of of women make a speculation of judge has put himself above the forefront.For women, this dream indicates that she will love passionately on a white horse prince, but he cannot get the corresponding returns.

Dream of shops there were pickpockets in the burglary, said the dog in your career, such as a partner to produce evil thoughts, make your business losses, so you must pay more attention to the behavior of the influential people recently, otherwise will be poorer.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream people sit in the shop.Literati samurai have the dream, the main profit;A&m merchants dream, will encounter people;Top of the displaced people dream, won;Patient Ke itch the dreams, ghosts and gods;Women to have "dream, xian heir;The shopkeeper dream passengers, here will be treated to a guest."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream hall under the open a shop.Main chest have greed, private service speed hasten lucky avoids disaster.The broken dream secretary

The dream has open a shop.Business increase, happy to.The broken dream secretary

Dream hall opened the shop.This has a bad dream.Store sherburne JieQu, and suddenly the dream in the hall opened, the main chest with greed."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

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