The second sign Lv Zu LingQian 2 solutions to sign Lv Zu LingQian

Lv Zu LingQianThe second sign: the ancients hidden dragon change Lv Zu LingQian sign

Underlying their own light, observe what stay BingDing resistance;Tiger resulted for destiny, once the spring breeze turn gradually to fly.

Lv Zu LingQian: sign

The ancients to dragon yu man the opportunity, hidden dragon is hidden dragon, why want to hide, because the event was not, is not made at the time, so the hidden waiting, once the occasion, can flying dragon in the day, see adult.Obtained by this sign, all things to be, has its own light.As for the beginning, when in BingDing month day.

Lv Zu LingQian: poems said

Meet people can issue more, before the court dead chicken to instrument;Good short things from long, Hugh listen to other people say.

Lv Zu LingQian: poetry

They have six, three failure time is short, a long time;Prosperous time meet with noble and helped somewhat, even the door have the phoenix to the dead.To keep this auspicious, the most important thing is to be on the faithful baiban (, especially don't listen to other people's breath are wildly, and upset yourself to uphold the conviction.

Lv Zu LingQian 2 solution

Seeks the look:Temporary still not to time, stay BingDing month day.

Money:Entrust others help, will be successful.

Marriage:Currently have friction and difficult to solve the problems, as long as the patience to deal with, will be happy.

Itself:In aThe quiltTrapped, into a refund need to be careful, through the summer, everything turns.

House:Yes no song quite is various, don't be misled by the breath.

Opening:A bit more block, early performance to make in the future.

Move:Kyrgyzstan is appropriate.

Travel:Shoulds not be long, easy to much trouble.

Disease:Being trapped by fever, there will be a danger for a long time.

The best:Should be more rest, and check body, girl.

Pedestrian:Later to the distance.

Action:Difficult to solve.

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