Sign Lv Zu Lv Zu LingQian 7 solution LingQian seventh sign

Lv Zu LingQianThe seventh sign: the ancients pangu open Lv Zu LingQian sign

Easy and, in the earth;Once in the spring breeze, the auspicious pian and set.

Lv Zu LingQian: sign

Sky and the earth, pan gu open, all things not neat, everything from the heavens and the earth is slowly.Due to the Yin and Yang of the cover, only three, one to the spring breeze germination, shot upon all things.Can seek the sign, such as timely, Pepsi to one's liking, is the club, such as the spring breeze, is trapped in this period of time, back to fame and fortune.

Lv Zu LingQian: poems said

Every week turning about god, one good turn deserves another evil more than Chen;Whole plant with good heart, who battle naruhito ungodliness.

Lv Zu LingQian: poetry

"One good turn deserves another, what goes around comes around" is everyone know the language name, but how can you really feel?We will not know everyone.In simple terms, there is good heart often RenShu, behavior, virtue, evil is triggered by greed, anger.So to have good karma, it must be a good cause, this kind of words, even met any disaster can be resolved.

Lv Zu LingQian 7 sign

Seeks the look:Not yet, could block halfway.

Money:Have obstacles, difficult to look into.

Marriage:Marriage is unfavorable, remarried.

Itself:Take the good peace can be developed.

House:Spring come, Pepsi.

Opening:Otherwise block, slowly turned for the better.

Move:Delay is preferred.

Travel:Be careful timing

Disease:Must pay attention to recuperate after curing.

The best:Should be very careful.

Pedestrian:Message to a few days.

Action:Urgent, because of losing.

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