Sign Lv Zu Lv Zu LingQian 8 solution LingQian signed 8

Lv Zu LingQianSigned 8: ancient humanities in Syria ternary Lv Zu LingQian sign

Xi xi xi, spring chicken plum.The magpie noise eaves, before painting.Unitary defensibly up and take notice, god bless good son.

Lv Zu LingQian: sign

LunWenXu is guangdong wit, especially good at couplet chanting songs.In Beijing's position, even in 3 yuan, anointed as a scholar and, family.Obtained by this sign, fame and wealth be satisfactory, everything, not to get rich step expensive, but durable, without the way change.Spring breeze plum, the magpies annunciation eaves before the time when in unitary defensibly (date) (month) (year).

Lv Zu LingQian: poems said

On heavy west sea horse crawl with cheng, dongsheng;Shipped why fatigue heart, the wind to send Wan Liqing.

Lv Zu LingQian: poetry

Fame and fortune, originally this is an organic whole, therefore famous is good, relatively speaking, advantage will be famous.Luck is not before, all operations are not compelled, is also not importune.But luck comes, don't need pesters, naturally steady something for nothing, and is very long.

Lv Zu LingQian 8 sign

Seeks the look:Time to, can wish.

Money:Yes, but not much.

Marriage:Under the twists and turns.

Itself:Virtues can be QuanFu lu.

House:Fortunes began to buoyant.

Opening:Timing, and nature.

Move:Far is unfavorable, near it.

Travel:Go out on business.

Disease:Can cure, but a little late.

The best:Natural labor,boys

Pedestrian:Unitary can our day to day.

Action:The other party will be offered to reconciliation.

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