Wenwu temple Confucius st signed sixty-four sign Sun Moon Lake

Sun Moon Lake wenwu templeConfucius SAN to signThe sixty-fourth sign

Poem: drinking song for pleasure, rioted in bad conduct, has the yuwang can know the reason, deep evil purport wine name of all ages.

/ chouqian/kongzi/note: alcoholic excess is not auspicious

The delta ce yue: "instrument DE for wine, yu drink and the greatest.Yue: "future generations will be dead the feeling emigre in wine."Hence thin gauge DE, and purport wine."Generally people are drinking wine, and will sing, and thought.But someone drinking bad, so as to conduct disorder, corrupt conduct.Excess is a bit presumptuous, unbridled binge drinking;Bad is I do not know and, zi meaning greed.Bad person, often broken, regret lifelong.We should know the wine to drink will be courteous, beginning to drinking.

Delta bad, difficult to my career.

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