Wenwu temple Confucius st signed sixty-seven sign Sun Moon Lake

Sun Moon Lake wenwu templeConfucius SAN to signThe sixty-seventh sign

Origin, gain and loss of personnel, often be swayed by considerations of gain and loss Pi micro, thousands if for only, will be a risk of loss for all things.

/ chouqian kongzi/note: can't gain or loss is not auspicious

Delta Confucius said: a Pi ugly man, is not to hold public office.Because he was before get position, is concerned with how to obtain;Now that get, worry is afraid of losing the job.After have the fear of psychology, this man save his position, can do anything.So will hurt yourself, also caused great damage to the society.Gain and loss in life, should with accomplishment and ability of learning, make self review and practice, the social impartial judgment and choice.

The delta should explore, preferring.

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