Sun Moon Lake temple Confucius st signed sixty-one sign

Sun Moon Lake templeConfucius SAN to signThe sixty-first sign

Poem: knowledge irregular heart, abdomen sword mouth honey conspiracy weeks, nearly is insolently far is ChaShen hatred, wish to disaster prevention from Hugh.

/ chouqian/kongzi/note: keep ChaShen proof is auspicious

The delta in the world have a gentleman, also has a dog.The gentleman, the law of reason, as a table.SIMS, is: knowledge, malicious;False, conspiracy deep;The hatred is lousy, nearly far.To a gentleman don't have to guard against, can be frank and open to get along with, is dear John wouldn't be a better heart that thinks none.The dog can be different.That is about to anywhere, careful observation, careful beware of, in order to avoid meat, and the safety.Young friends, especially when be cautious, to quit.

Delta step-by-step, fight.

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