Gemini boys and Gemini girls

The boyGeminiGemini constellation matching with a girl

GeminiGemini boys and Gemini girls matching _ the zodiacGemini

Constellation matching index

Friendship: u u u u u

Love: u u u

Marriage: u u u

Family: u u u u u

Talk about feeling required

This pair of people's life won't boring.Think of it, this is actually four people together, the spirit meat combine pair by four wings pull with only a moment to fly to the east, flew to the west for a while, a moment to fly to the south, while flying to the north.This continuous travel makes people could not stay in one place for too long, it is impossible to have tired on a scene.They are always looking out for dream, nothing can defeat their energy and imagination.

The person is very easy to familiar with each other, even at intersections and other green light time, so they can talk by strangers.They all like to say, do not care to listen to each other what to say.And they said a lot, but keep some thought to each other the most real things.Even they married for many years, their respective secretly laugh way: "god knows, so long, I still have some things didn't tell him (her)."

75% of Gemini people will give their names or stage name.Even old say or don't want to say its birthday.Contact with each other in front of they don't even think about the most real honest face (so names), or accept yourself (don't want to determine whether your birthday).It's not.They just feel everything is not the limit, there must be any secrets behind it, or all not can be summed up in language, there must be something ineffable process of hidden in it.

The woman love laughter also love cry.She loves cry because happy, because feel inner loneliness made her feel suffocated, have to use the tears, even if she is in the crowd, she is lonely.Only the man can understand the woman's mood changes, to comfort her.Because he knows the woman of another self and not happy peace in the home.The man skillfully drive away the woman's heart alone, he would pretend to be casual, said: "come, let's throw a coin to see who luck."Or very briskly said: "we buy two return tickets to go out to play, a good place to live in two days."And then gently kissed her face and said quietly:" no, everything is fine.I in your side.This seems to be wrong because of the psychological man can understand woman is the man has the experience of her own.So a person of each other's mood is very understand, don't say that, in most cases can also be considerate to each other.

When a pair of a Gemini man fall in love, each should abide by the principle of "faithfulness", loyal to each other, also loyal to himself.Because men and women both parties tend to be another self-deception and unconscious mind, do damage to do your own thing, not loyal to each other, and the other is the most in need of his or her real self.

Because men and women each other's emotions are relatively easy to ups and downs, so don't blame each other.The wise way is to encourage each other but don't let go of emotional distress, also encourage yourself to pour out bold imagination.They will understand each other, but also to support each other, even knowing each other is an illusion, but it's worth a try.What will matter is not the result, but trying to itself.

Their sex is like a storm, each other feel tremors and comfortable, also can sometimes be more peaceful, gentle as the wind.They are going to try to fantasy, such as under the big waterfallTo make love, or intimacy in the helicopter.When a party so advice, vehemently opposed to the other party, but is more positive.

For the people, rather than the spirit of the two meat one, as four people the spirit of the unity of the meat.Remember, every Gemini is two people, without exception.As a result, their happiness a times more than the average person, more than one hundred percent!

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