Gemini boys and Aries girl pairing

The boyGeminiAnd the girlAriesConstellation matching

GeminiGemini Aries girls and boys paired _ the zodiacAries

Constellation matching index

Friendship: u u u u

Love: u u u u

Marriage: u u u

Affection: u u u

Talk about feeling required

Gemini in common is that they can always do a two-way thinking, as long as the two heads.He (she) may be one person, more than two people attached to a suit.One of them is yourself as he (she), another is he (she) who want to be hard.

So not think Gemini people hypocrisy or want to self-deception, in fact they are always trying to perfect, overcome their flaws.But it is not easy, and ordinary people are not saints, and of the saints there are weak.So, if they and highly idealistic Aries people established a love relationship, are often some friction, however, the Chinese have a saying: "'", used here is also good - a new free car must ride a day become good riding, because each parts in the us in the final position of adjust itself to the best combination, love and marriage, too, although have friction, as long as the timely communication, each other to do some adjustments, can gradually adapt to each other, can long and happy marriage.

In general, Aries woman with a Gemini man will fall in love at first sight, and love like crazy right now.They don't consider future, don't bother to fathom the end of this love will be happiness or gut wrenching.They feel the two sides can only trust, when two people get along with joy.Is really what misfortune - after failed love or divorce, or a death - as long as remembered the wonderful times when, remember that simply to fall in loveA blind datePain, heart will also be many sweet memories of dilute.

Her bold and lively, energetic, ambitious, competitive aggressive.In a word, people think a man cheated some she has such characteristics.And for a long time, a large number of media have been teaching: to love gentle manA woman.No wonder of Aries woman secretly inferiority -- feel gas shortage of women, thus deepening the innate fear - the fear of man will not like her.In fact, she can also the starch cook cook, change diapers, for boys love to buy fashion, love talking with his girlfriend, alsopregnancyChildbirth.She can bear the pain, more than men are also more know can't live onThe warTo solve all problems.She can also on the surrounding situation 'spoilers, so often can timely prevention rather than cure.Frankly speaking, they are more practical than men in many things, even more than a man has a heart of stone.If the husband want to implement the gentleman to her, it provoked protests she barks and waving her arms.However, a woman has their own views on what is bad?And she is very understand men have men's strengths, and women have their own weaknesses.

If there is a man looking for extreme feminine woman, that is a Gemini man, although he is to use two kinds of thinking instead of thinking, but there is a desire is consistent, and his beloved women battle of wits.Gemini men strong, keeping calm, have planned, so in love.He first decided to fall in love, it will be to find Mr Right.Aries woman is with emotion, estrogen, the first to make up my mind to love again.However, they are until after a strong deep love for each other will be a body with the combination of desire.As a result, their romance is very poetic.

Their love, however, there are dark clouds, most of the reason is because the woman's jealousy.Because the woman always instinctively afraid refused, and the objective environment and made her skeptical of their female nature, so she is very jealous.She took the man's love is very important, and alert for would be another woman.The man even before the news-stand say good morning to a girlfriend also can make the woman beauty vertical, let alone with other women chat.Remember, Gemini men loyal to love, but more love freedom.If the woman put the feelings when the chains to trapping him, limit his interpersonal relations, it is doomed to failure.He would rather not to love, also want to keep friendship.Of course, the man also should be considerate of the woman so good jealous motivation is fear, to sympathize with her, and helped her confidence to overcome jealousy.

Disturbing Aries woman sometimes turns out to be the man's not jealous.Some Aries woman didn't realize that the happiest thing is to see their lover's birth, for her, because this is the same reason and she is very jealous, she is not sure whether he had for his attractive, so to see him after birth, will be confident in his love.And Gemini men just don't love jealous, because he thinks love should not be for the other set of chains.If the woman is very clearly reveals the hope he be jealous, he will be out of humor to make samples.But in general, how she director from farce flirting with others, he will not pay attention to, also won't mind.This biddy Fang Kezhu nasty, she thought that the man is no longer the meaning to her.She was afraid of not being liked and accepted, and did not notice to lover or a lover now, her mood how bad was palpable.

Therefore, a wife may need to do more to adjust.Remember his popularity isn't loyal to her, and love is not equal to the rope.This is good for her, if she really don't want to lose a beloved.

The woman and there's a little difficult to adapt to the man often date late, this is really annoying, isn't it?Don't forget the man with two heads to things, people with dual desire, he often do some this is not something he wants to make to you, remember this, there would be less upset.

In the aspect of sex, the woman can feel the man how much tenderness.The sex in her mind is very ideal, is her books and movies to see to weave into that illusion, and he came to help her make this dream come true.

Sometimes, however, something is wrong with - she thinks he is too cold, he blame her enthusiasm too quickly.So, the woman disappointment, enthusiasm, and then indifference.Man at such times should reflect on oneself, efforts to adjust.Want to know the good girl love is without any reservations, to cherish her love, don't let her love fire into ice water.

Aries woman, maybe after reading this chapter, can let a Gemini him to read, and remind he said: "not me, your life would be boring."But, please refrain from this impulse.Don't order him to read.Be sure to speak to him some strategy!

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