Gemini Sagittarius girls and boys paired

The boyGeminiAnd the girlSagittariusConstellation matching

GeminiGemini Sagittarius girls and boys paired _ the zodiacSagittarius

Constellation matching index

Friendship: u u u u

Love: u u u

Marriage: to end to end

Affection: u u u

Talk about feeling required

A woman once fell in love with a man would be dead set.But she thought not the man to shove - she is put forwardTo get marriedOne thousand - can retreat, can avoid whenever possible.The woman's heart is broken, she cry, even the tears, but the man shrugged, casually gently closed the door to leave.This occasion, the liar, a wife a lifetime also don't want to see him!

But the next day, the man holding a bunch of violets, also sent a small poem.Poetry extremely touching poem, ask for forgiveness and said the seas run dry and the rocks crumble is his love for her is the same.

Men and women both parties can always feel each other's attraction, and see each other always have their own strengths.They often talk a lot together, and frank to admit that you learned a lot from the opposite.Quarrel countless, countless times break, but they always can't resist the thoughts and love for each other, and also find countless reconciliation.

They have a young heart, curiosity of the world never reduce for years.They encourage each other to realize their own dream to struggle.They are afraid of loneliness, so they feel cannot be separated from each other.

Their sexual life full of fun.Although both sides is not fleshly desires, they are willing to together, even if only physical contact can also make them happiness.To be honest, Gemini men only and SagittariusA womanDon't feel together sex is stressed.But their affectionate often love to talk, the two people are not careful, and speak easy to hurt each other.For a long time, the two sides will quarrel with sex and for the skinA blind dateFeel disgusted.A better way is: back to listen to music together, listen attentively, will not speak.

The woman likes pets.The man may also raise, but if you feel inconvenience due to pet travel would not love dearly to pet and sacrifice their rest, hobby.So when the holiday comes, often the wife staying home and animal companions, the man to go on holiday alone.This, of course, two people are very disappointed.

Both have emotional ups and downs frequently, the man.This, of course, it is easy to produce friction, because two people revel or abruptly when the other low, to restrain themselves.No matter how love sarcasm or usual brag follow one's inclinationsly, at this time also should control themselves, multidirectional said tenderness.On the other hand, each other can talk sharp during low tide, also don't care because of this or not immediately killed a comeback.

When they look at the stars together, the man will say: "dear, do you believe it, in this space there is a Milky Way waiting for me to find it?"The woman said softly: "is it?How can you find got?""And you will be able to together," the man patted her shoulder.Female direction the man close some say: "I am?I don't believe, but I would like to go with you to explore."

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