Sagittarius career competitiveness and advice

SagittariusThe competitiveness and advice

Sagittarius competitiveness and workplace advice _ the zodiac

Sagittarius: inner strength and strong resistance to pressure

Peer competition, the heavy workload, the complex interpersonal relationship, can bring to the workplace people more or less pressure, some psychological vulnerability, prone to anxiety, tired, even want to almost, but sagittarians will fall more and more brave, because they have a strong heart!In their view, the boat, it is the choice of the weak, grasped the nettle, is the attitude of the brave!So the striker will turn pressure into motive force, brewing a great counter attack!

[striker] what is the best quality in the workplace?

Love freedom, loose with optimists known as Sagittarius people in the workplace has the best quality, strong ability against pressure inside them.Actually brings to the people in the workplace competition is very big, if the psychological quality is not strong enough, it would be easy to back down or run away.But has a strong compression ability and psychological quality striker, they would only turn pressure into motive force, more and more powerful, more fell more yong is the sign of their bravery.

Advice 1: pay attention to faith and stick to the double-edged sword behind the effect

Ruler Jupiter on numerous features, the most prominent is the ideal form, paying attention to the future related to thinking and perspective the characteristics, he almost around the Sagittarius person's way of thinking.But this feature is also with his negativity.

Because Sagittarius is focus on the future population, regardless of the things work, and emphasizes is in the later part of time, plus if they formed some kind of world view or insight, such as work on the position which direction to achieve what kind of achievement or what kind of ideal pursuit, they especially not easy to accept the opinions of others.

In other words, in has not a certain fixed ideal or insight, you are right, they can easily be pulled to a philosophical or environment, but when he has some kind of goal, even if the target has his obvious errors and defects, fire sign of grasping force will also make your Sagittarius people continue to adhere to in the behavior, and in thinking, the influence of Jupiter will make them sincerely.

So from this point view, Sagittarius people adhere to the mentality is unusually strong, do not compromise, for unexpected events, such as work problems in emergency lead to stagnation or terminated, we temporarily not to discuss whether to insist on this, because the situation is complex, there is no absolute standard to measure his good or bad, when this difficulty is too strong to Sagittarius people must obey, they would not give up their own plans, rather than passively accept and execute, hid her plan in mind.Do a think a situation.

When some reality cruel oppression Sagittarius people, that is, when the farther from the plan, their negative attitude and bad emotional response is obvious, although the work is doing, but attitude and temper and cooperation degree is low, when the actual situation and more "come back", which is the direction near Sagittarius people want, they will be better.

, however, things may not be correct for Sagittarius people heart, this is very normal, even if they insist is right, but because of changes in the constellation of features, the target will continue to be idealized, or up to a certain philosophy concept to go forward, that is to say, goal is to change around, so they will experience disappointment gap between reality and ideal.Learn how to reasonable digestion, therefore, not stubborn left in the old ideas in the mind is very necessary.But the problem is that when a Sagittarius man when faced with a good personal development opportunities, the stubborn still exists, if the opportunity and the current goal conflict, the dilemma of contradiction is all too clear.

Sagittarius people in front of the new opportunity is not willing to give up the old things, namely those who have been looking for something, because new opportunities are always accompanied by risk, so the results of this contradiction is often delayed chose new development opportunity.Therefore, in a sense, Sagittarius people can "fly", how much of a success, also is their ability to self-improvement and the size of the space, is all about their own intuition.

So, from the fundamental starting point, also is the ideal and the plan itself objectively, to look at what they insist on correctly or not has become very important thing.Especially in a new environment of ideal and plan early, sagittarians are easy to incite others use, let oneself is good but practical.

Advice 2: the cost of out whoever needs

Second largest characteristics of Sagittarius itself is "double, multiple" characteristics.From the event, such as Sagittarius will encounter two opportunities at the same time, the two cases, outside part-time job, and so on, the more opportunities, but rather should be brought by the diffusivity of Jupiter, divergent.

On the one hand, Sagittarius person's optimism makes them too unconsciously accept case, and they just think they can do, or say they don't think much of a task as a burden, it will also because of the ductility of Jupiter on the vertical and do the work very far, run away from the subject, resulting in additional events at work.

On the other hand, there are also others work strongly to Sagittarius, forcing them to do not share.Therefore, Sagittarius people easily is always busy at work., of course, we don't discuss busy is good or bad, but said the main divergence characteristics of Jupiter will make Sagittarius people take on too much work but which do not cause due to the energy problem, delayed the work happens.On the contrary, it will bring Sagittarius person's work the risk of instability.

Advice: pay attention to body harm brought by the mobile event

Main running of Jupiter will bring travel to Sagittarius person's work and life events.If chart (chart analysis) on no other factors, the body of the striker is usually good, nature like to travel, so Sagittarius people should pay attention to more mobile health maintenance of the body, one is the accidents caused by reckless injury, the other is for food, air or related local infectious diseases.High incidence of mobile will be accompanied by the occurrence of accident probability, so need to remind special attention.

Advice 4: pay attention to your kindness brings good job involvement

Ruler Jupiter in the future there will be a considerable part of ideals, the pursuit of Sagittarius people will because Jupiter and fire like persistent features become introverted and are too particular about freedom.The pursuit of a dream ideal for this group of people, the biggest problem is the issue of cooperation with others in the work, because of their own do not effective constraint of others.

For other Sagittarius people actually, more because of Jupiter's star charity and personality characteristics of Benjamin, that a co-worker or subordinate will be more tolerant, and in their attitude when communicating with my colleagues and the tone is mild, so it's easy to take advantage of others, for lack of managers of even work for others (in combination with the characteristics of the second "more"), so it's easy to have a lazy subordinates or colleagues.

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