Virgo career competitiveness and advice

virgoThe competitiveness and advice

Virgo competitiveness and workplace advice _ the zodiac

Virgo: like the person

Virgo people in the workplace has an enviable "empty cup mentality", anytime, anywhere to restructure their existing reserves of knowledge, skill, ability, empty out of date, with the new knowledge, skills, arm themselves mind, let oneself more rich, more fulfilling, more perfect.This never complacent self challenge, a lot of people pay lip-service, but always very principled virgo can say to do, and always with practice!

[a virgin] what is the best quality in the workplace?

Virgo people pursuit of perfection is a well known things, they will and detail into to the end, all he can, do the work well.They in the workplace, often challenge myself, learning more knowledge, to enrich themselves.Let oneself have more abundant knowledge to handle possible problem in the work.They will continue to achieve self challenge, let oneself have a different experience every time.Because he was very follow the principle of their own, so be sure to do it.

Advice 1: put an end to the grateful

Virgos have a strong sense of service, but this literally speak good the psychological motivation behind the "service consciousness" is not necessarily beautiful.Is really a spontaneous consciousness on helping others, another more main consciousness because of their critical characteristics, they don't like to many things, such as some links in the same team they think there may be a problem or not beauty, not the mind of the standard and reached for the tube.

Some virgos, mercury position falls in the weak position of the sky, they may be more inclined to talk about, not really to begin, but anyway, for he take care of these are good, but the problem is that virgo andLeoPeople have a similar sense of honor and are holding, attaches great importance to the mentality, excluding honor and your ability to reveal intention and this is the best to help others, they especially after serving others want to be grateful.

If this time the other party didn't say thank you or give corresponding response, the virgo man will be very unhappy, and then started to nag behavior, even if the parties given the response, you can also clear from their mouth hear from time to time they always comes to those things, such as "what do you think if it weren't for the last time I help you, you...Similar words "and so on.This will let each other more and more uncomfortable, so, now that want to help, also please you willingly.

Advice 2: picky please alike

Virgo is known by the sense of cleanlinessThe zodiacOne of the most critical, because their itself is meticulous, strict in details the characteristics of in front, we can say that their work is rigorous, serious, but take negative time will make others feel very finicky, in other words, fussy fault.

The critical part of the psychological motivation is caused by main mercury, mercury is, after all, like new star, represents the diversity, so virgos also like his colleagues, or he had received a case can be made by more may change, but with his people and to work with project case, diversification of virgo man never thought idea, so this is certain.

If is equally also just, but they tend to put these objects in other people's body rather than oneself, that is for others to choose a jian jian, it also don't finish calculate, the key is to have a sense of cleanliness in the middle cross, he in addition to the characteristics of the literal sense of the word love clean, more on virgo is a form in the category of morality and responsibility, such as for work related to their error event.

Here in two situations, one is caused by the other party, one of its own making.Errors for each other, they cannot forgive each other, of course, this "can't forgive" and not with each other on the break, silos, but by the nagging and cleanliness are derived to overly critical psychology, frequent blaming each other.For his errors, cleanliness and change the constellation of qualities will find excuses to rationalize their own mistakes, such as "I in the work negligence because people or XXX XXX", as a result of failed in her obligations to execute unit and similar with heavy responsibility.

Dear virgo, if you really can also do real hard on yourself and fussy, not when there is a problem to rationalize to "get" or "look" very clean.So you are more able to make the perfect things, make a perfect self.Again, in contrast, the critical state of mind can easily, in turn, let virgo people affected by the status of others and make yourself feel very tired, please learn to let go and trust others.

Advice: take a step back broad sky

Virgo people have different opinions in the work of reaction is great, even though they won't be as angry as a fire sign, in a bad or dissatisfaction with the opposition will put into belly pharynx, but mercury eloquently traits of star still few people really do live, unless the virgo soon rising of the sun's position, or the location of the 9, 10 o 'clock in the evening, especially mercury also in these positions, or other virgos born time mouth is very can argue.

Earth sign persistent feature will let virgo people for their own goals and don't give up, and the glory of the similar to Leo mentality will let virgo from similar than "not to put", "is to contend for this tone" mentality and the other to the end, make situation "thing in itself is not important, but struggle to become the first"!Virgo man always remember, is the most important things done, to achieve purpose.

Advice. 4: the ideal and the reality gap is bigger than thought

Virgos are like a dream, dream, exactly said that is not a dream, should be a way of thinking will look dreamy feeling.This is because mercury sign logic and soil common influence the result of the pragmatic function of them to plan the things itself is fine, but we all know too fine and perfect, and they happen to be in different degree, are like the pursuit of perfection, and lets her along the beautiful plan moving forward.

The more perfect the reality, the reality is like a dream, once a link problems, and will definitely appear problem, event variability in the presence of high risk, even if will not cause the whole plan of paralysis, but total want to deal with an unplanned events can positive work attitude of virgo people blow again and again.

Advice 5: daring to enlarge

In addition to the rising in the morning, the sun rises to haven't around noon, and the sun just fell down three time, other time virgo man born at work have a need to improve yourself boldness and courage, in fact this is not blame virgo, earth sign, after all is inclusive, and result oriented, with results to talk is a good thing.But there are a lot of time also need to take something to case or pre-emptive, otherwise the opportunity will serve.

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