Taurus career competitiveness and advice

  TaurusThe competitiveness and advice

Taurus _ the zodiac career competitiveness and advice

Taurus: slow and steady, persistent

Taurus people care much about security, and possibly story while many people yearning, but Taurus exception, they don't have unrealistic ideas, also won't for easy and opportunistic - "a bite to eat a fat man" such a thing will never happen to them.Because of the pragmatic personality, sureness style, determines the Taurus one step at a time in the work, every step go, walk very solid, they believe they have the potential of the whole.

[bull] what is the best quality in the workplace?

Earth sign Taurus people will have a sense of security in a stable economic base and material level, because they know the importance of money in life.In the fierce competition in the workplace, they won't because want to have more money and ploys.They will be one step a footprint to high, they are not only hardworking and down-to-earth.When everyone else wants to step promotion, they will only make your feet go every step more robust, have to walk more far.

Advice 1: pay attention to the overconfidence of conceit

This is one of the biggest problems Taurus, Venus brings aristocratic temperament let them while not literally to others, but also put yourself is too high, stable become stubborn, don't listen to others' advice.Don't change for anyone, at work has always been to adapt to the environment to adapt to him and others and do not like to compromise their own interests and ideas to accommodate others, not just liao carrying pole with its load.At work, a lot of the time are all the things can be only willing to accept the help of others.With luck, work in a few years ago can accumulate to a certain wealth and position, if it is a time around noon the sun at the zenith of birth, on the career path is smooth, but also because of a certain achievement and prestige, is very easy to appear arrogant, domineering attitude, even if again how can pose moderate Taurus, will also affect the interpersonal relationship.So learn modestly in the face of the different views of others is an important lesson for Taurus.Otherwise fall a fall would not be hurts a little.

Advice 2: learn to open your heart

Experienced many setbacks fixed in the constellation Taurus the feeling of self-confidence will reduce, and there will be cower, dare not in front of the opportunity for state of mind.At the same time, in order to repair and restore confidence, curled up in a group they would choose a passive way, go with the flow, listen to the opinions of the public.We mentioned earlier, of course, aristocratic and none have suspended high psychological factors still exist, but they will cut it to one of the biggest psychological endurance limit.This mentality is not conducive to personal growth, sometimes you low-key, but Taurus is Taurus, you there will always be opinionated, strong attitude, so you have to learn to open ideas and vision, in case of disagreement, selection and concepts, learn the perspective-taking, otherwise, you can shelter environment will be more and more small, and too cautious, always think of first failure state of mind can make you lose the chance of a lot of talent.

Advice: pay attention to the effects of values

Is earth sign Taurus attaches great importance to the material, so they speak values is a difficult thing, individual color is too thick, there are times when you're working with them will find that their thinking some not to move, what is insisted that seems to have nothing to do with the business and the present, if it is Taurus is engaged in the work of art is to say, and after all that's opinion, guess what, but if you are working in traditional industry, will always tell oneself in the eaves, to understand the bowed their heads and reason.Unless you have decision-making power in their hands, but even so, fully learn from other people ideas and different opinions as to allow yourself to grow.In addition, also because of the above characteristics, after efforts didn't get the expected return, especially material gain, also can let the Taurus to abandon the project or goal, pay special attention to this, all because of your every effort may not success, but also is not a simple definition of success with how to define, you know, the road to the pinnacle, not every battle to win, and temporarily loses, it is the indispensable step climb to weave.

Advice 4: avoid chicken ribs under the mentality of dilemma

Ruler Venus and earth like strong possessive qualities bring Taurus is the second big question, the Taurus people, whether employees or the boss will have a similar "greedy", want to make more, such as penetration in work and life.Such as: this does not belong to his possession but later may use of resources, to multiple ability or plan to undertake the project of a one-off undertaking, which can make the Taurus have too many iro in the fire, but what also didn't make it, but this is a positive traits, also good, if his resources and multiple objective undertaking is paving the way for later work, it is also able to speak of the past, the key is his reverse characteristics, that is not willing to lose.This will result in Taurus people choose when encountered in the work, especially on the one hand, a significant chicken ribs, problems and defects, because don't want to lose the psychological and continue to bear, bear, and to recruit more trouble, and let oneself lose the best opportunity to choose a new direction, such as some have involved your manpower and material resources and other resources, but it is not cost-effective project with the little results, and the beginning of another, need your new resources, and is a potential case in the past, such as the moment the you pour into blood and to try to get a certain position and performance, but facing the reform or the business transformation of the company, with a congenial and your interests and volunteer, very potential position is also quite high sunrise enterprises, but it is unable to satisfy your physical needs, and so on situation happen soon apparent ombre mentality and the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.

Advice 5: happy learning to relax yourself

We mention again like Venus brings Taurus expensive gas and soil comprehensive influence, fixed signs stable characteristics, that is in all the problems we mentioned above, in the view of choosing hidden in the heart, and a similar perfectionism mentality own high standards.Though for work and business, Taurus concentrate efforts, is committed to do our best to make them become a good employee or the boss, but for their own, so tired, but you lose the fun of work, especially in the personal ideal goal is inconsistent with the actual work, the force themselves to do but in the mind again uncomfortable, then allow yourself to swing on both ends of the ideal and reality, but lost the stability of the working status and personal psychology.So you always tell yourself: ideal need to implement step by step, don't too visionary, forget you already have the result, the moment is really perfect.

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