How to love the cancer woman

How to love the cancer woman _ the zodiac

The cancer woman: sad disappointed when a shoulder can rely on

Sensitive characteristics, make the cancer woman always feel every nerve and fine a snub to themselves or others in the world for their own injustice, coupled with their nature inside collect, used to suppress their own ideas, inner, so for them, the injury are down, looking for a strong emotional support system, became them feel the most happy thing!Maybe family silently accompany, active relief may be friends, maybe is a lover's shoulder...

The cancer woman

Cancer of hot and cold, with a hard shell, fragile heart.Have a friendly feeling, always can give a person warmth.

How to love the cancer woman:

1) you need to peel away layers cancer patient heart;(2) once she allow you into the heart, you will realize that if her mood how changeable, love for you never change.

The cancer woman

The cancer woman in love, the idea is extremely sensitive, the already troubled heart will because love the deeper the more nervous.They hope to lovers do not have intention to not intentional of produce too much misunderstanding, just went home early from work, dating, don't always mention of the work, pay attention is very good.

cancerThe woman love

Gentle homely

Some amazing time, some tender years, but how, in the end we hold hand together to see water out of talents is the real life partner, the cancer woman is advantage lies in her home, home quietly, but the most essential, men may be a fascination with red the goodness of a sweet smell, a charming blue yarn for months, but once back to life, feet ground, want to find a home for a long time, that this set is for girls.

Love for cancer, is by no means a fun game, teachers will not recall.Is not deep love, it would be a deep pain.No matter how many sensitized with love story, love each other less cancer didn't also way, even if is to make yourself easy.Never doubt the meaning of sincerity pays, even to a ruthless, be love with all my heart, a cold heart, will also be over heat, moreover is also love each other.

This signA womanIs pretty sad.Actually not only that, she is also quite madness, hysteria, she can be very sad, can be very happy;Of course, will be very sad, also very crazy.She is a very gentle, feminine, shy, but she is still water do woman, and as long as began to cry, it's hard to can have to stop, you have to take a few more handkerchief is enough.

She is quite passive, that you have to be prepared, so do not think that she is not for you, don't forget she is very shy, in front of her don't make any big moves or sound, it makes her feel you is not happy with what she has, and so make her feelings hurt.Tell you, sometimes you will find that there is no longer anything more miserable than her emotional injury.

Sometimes you will find that she will have emotional problems, and downs, but like what a cycle.Don't doubt, this sign is ruled by the moon, so you will find that her mood is like the moon, there is a rain or shine round the changes.She needs to feel safe, she afraid to lose, no matter what.She needs a can shelter.

She is a good wife, she will burn good dishes, but also will bringThe childTake care to make you jealous, eager to you still was a child.Her tender care for her own everything, including, of course, also including you.She care about many things, like money, food, family and mother and secret, etc.

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