How to love two children

How to love double children _ the zodiac

Two children: the world is a playground, we go together

Curiosity prompted pursuing new and change the twin children of sheared with strong exploratory, for the unknown to the world.In a children's view, the world is like a big playground, have laughter have sadness, noise and silence, and if can with my lover hand in hand, walking among them, to find every move, to capture every moment is good, so, lost in the journey will not feel afraid, because there is always more new wonderful things waiting to explore!

Two children

Gemini refused to routine.With endless curiosity for the outside world.

How to love pairs of children:

1) do you want to catch up with the pace of her.(2) don't let her feel life is boring, even your boring.

Two children

Pairs of children is really a lot of words all don't want to say too direct, they always feel that if you love yourself, a lot of things, needless to say, also can understand.Hope lovers don't use too busy working as an excuse not to accompany their, especially important days, could you please a false, with a accompany oneself, it is pair of children to love.

GeminiThe woman love

Old flames

Geminis are an extremely sensitive and extremely unstable, is undoubtedly a very test a person to fall in love with a Gemini, geminis are a bit, not only for things, particularly for people, Gemini is easy to his old flame.

When you fall in love with the Gemini, you will find that in fact, Gemini is kept his old flame before to the present, in general, geminis have geared to take a big box, put everything into it.Although Gemini is very fickle, but actually the twin for a thing of the past is always can't forget, a lot of times, the Gemini lover very often feel so Gemini love old flames more than yourself.

In fact, Gemini keep old flame doesn't represent they love, they just miss, perhaps they constantly seek novelty to more memories.

Gemini in the river of love, like a small boat, the wind fluttering, seemingly aimless forward or backward, and in fact they have always had the desire to want to settle down, just haven't found the can dock harbour.

GeminiA womanOften make you, too, and sometimes more knot will lead you to think.This woman the change of several times more than the average woman, she is made up of a lot of different character, so she always make you hard to predict, and she has always been the case.

Her speed is so fast, I do not want you running or walking with her, if she really want to and you the game speed, you have not even stand on the starting you've lost.And she together, will make you feel life with a lot of fun, and any interest;Sad, happy, everything.

But you also can indeed be a make all men's eyes overflowing the fire of jealousy lucky guy, this is to use some skills.But there is a prerequisite, you really have the wisdom, be smart enough, faster response, to trust her, though...This a little reluctantly, but you'll never want to believe her.Her heart has been in the worry that worry that, just average person look not to come out, you have to careful, don't be in the process of smug, missed her mood moment passes.

And Gemini woman is needed to use imagination to fall in love, you really have to make an effort to think about what is the real her, and in the end, you suddenly realize: originally what all is not her, she really didn't, and if you find it is really so, then you won't have chance to really know her, she went away from you;Not at the outset told you?She quickly!

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