This interview guide

The interview guide _ the zodiac constellation cancer

Itself has a strong motherhood, at first glance are usually very comfortable, dignified, with its exquisite sensitive qualities, show empathy, everything is to want to a winner of the examiner to admire.advicecancerIn an interview with light brown pearl jewelry, because the pearl is born years, mother-of-pearl extraction refining and has the same effect with cancer motherhood, light brown pearl, representing the meaning of success, and pay there will be a result, natural become a lucky baby this interview.Cancer is a water sign, is the sign of the feminine, so there would be no fire sign when people skills as powerful ferity and ardor, also won't feel the wind sign that clever transform, but the interview's first impression is very important, of course, each position needs person or character is different, but the cancer the interview should try to appear active, this is a man of external aura, inner, because the moon has to worry about quality, even too much worry, so cancer people on your resume and job experience will have a look, when the mood is very bad for cancer show their power and performance, give a person with "advantage is not outstanding, seems to be interested in this position is not" personal impression, such as passing out.

This interview guide

In addition, in order to ease the tension, cancer at the time of the interview are adopted by the most comfortable way of speaking, that is like is an acquaintance of that kind of tone and words to answer the question to release the pressure, but for the relatively serious position and industry field and environment, the corporate culture of the interviewer asked is different also, therefore, in response to a question or self elaborated will appear flat, decisive, capable enough.

Again, because feel sensitive, so cancer people at the interview should pay attention to relax, to the question of the interviewer proposed cutting must carefully distinguish between the problem, which is a solution, which is no solution, a solution of the problem generally observe is the appraisal of professional ability, and those under siege, you don't do what the appropriate unanswered questions, take an examination of is you meet difficulty in the judgment of the choice and resolving power, is cutting the same loss of solution, which is for yourself or for minimum cost is the first choice, and this time, because cancer people tend to focus too much on surface tension and ignore the true meaning behind.

This interview faux pas

Shy personality, make cancer often during an interview are not good at showing your strengths, and thus affect the others to your evaluation.In addition, also don't cry because it is in a bad mood and affect your performance.


Cancer in the interview, be sure to overcome shy personality, show the positive side of working hard and cancer thoughtful of advantages.After all, in the fierce competition in the workplace, if you don't know to express themselves, too polite shy rather than opportunity wasted.

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