Dream high

What is the meaning of dream high?Dream dream high?High dream with reality and the influence of the reaction, and also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of high detailed solution.

Dream high

A lot of friends have dreamed himself on high, or falling from a height.This type of dream is similar images, interprets the most important still is to according to the identity of the dreamer and the recent psychological explanation.

A ruler dreamed up

The position of the terrain height symbol.

Dreaming that I am up, means no longer afraid of heights, ready for a higher position, so in reality will be promoted.Dreaming that I am sitting on the top of the tower, tower more spiritual, the meaning of this dream means they can become a spiritual leader, as an example to the people or idol.Dreamed that he climbed to the top of the tree, the tree shape more like real social organization structure, this dream represents the real position of rise, will become the leadership of the leader.

Above several kinds of high, climbing or standing in building high, as long as it is to feel happy, the dreamer will has the potential of the apprentice, if you feel the fear and anxiety standing on high, it can only show that you recently feel dangerous, responsibility is big, lonely, lonely at the top.

A womanThe dream of building

The building is the symbol of men.Dream of looking up at the tall said a vision of men.Dream of climb up the tall said eager to have a lover.Dream of looking down from the tall building top floor feel afraid, said is looking forward to and fear of sex.

Dream of falling from a height

Falling dream can be said of the mindset of social status, working achievement, self-confidence.

Under pressure more people jump from the shore of the dream, say want to get rid of the plight of a struggle, of course you want to get rid of this predicament is not so easy thing, so someone will repeat this dream.

Dream of slide down from a height, will be demoted.

Women dream of fall from a height, her husband's income and happiness will be blocked.

Dream of slip and his wife together, husband and wifeA blind dateLove grow old together.

The lovestruck men dreamed of and lovers fall together, to tie the knot soon.

Dream of others slip, is writing on the wall, will suffer.

Dream of the wifeDown from a high place, for the sake of treating his wife spends a lot of medical bills.

Patient dreamed dropped to below, body to recover soon.

Traders dream from high to low, income will collapse.

Dream of flying

According to the survey, the general college students flying dreams.Dreamed of pleasure flying, tend to be full of confidence.But there are a lot of friends dreamed that he first sweet fly, then or wind blowing scene, suddenly have the risk of falling, then you should look at whether their arrogance, often too pushy people will encounter against others.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream of down from a height, collectors, absence of evil."Dunhuang dream book"

Dream of the heights, with a silver spoon in her mouth."Dunhuang dream book"

Dream of the most high, with a silver spoon in her mouth."Dunhuang dream book"

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