Dream of poppy

Dream of poppy is what mean?Dream dream of poppy?Dream of poppy with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of poppies detailed solution.

Dream of poppy

Duke of zhou interpretsDream of poppy

Poppy can cause strong medicinal properties and hallucinogenic properties, since ancient times, like to worship, religion, sacrifice, enjoyment and mysticism.Dream of poppy have to sacrifice, forget, productive, and other means.

Men dreamed of poppies, means that will be on the battlefield.

A womanDream of poppies, said may be twins or multiple births.

Dream of taking the fragrance of opium poppy, indicated that the dreamer will listen to malicious to persuade, to become the victims of the rhetoric.

Dream see poppy, indicated that the dreamer will have a period of time, your life is the teaser of fun activities and fawned over things, but they are passing clouds.

Dream dream of poppies psychology

Dream explanation: poppy symbolic sacrifice in dream, lazy and forget.

Psychoanalysis: dream of poppy said you should be timely to forget the past, you can put the time and energy into the plans for the future.

Spiritual symbol: poppy symbol forgotten, and necessary forget is prerequisite to start all over again.The poppy in the dream can represent the goddess in charge of the forgotten.

Dreamed of poppies case analysis

Dream description: he goes to bed at night dream, dream of a bunch of flowers, like a poppy.But suddenly disappeared!What meaning?

Dreams resolution: poppy in the sense of the mysterious and temptation in a dream, dream of poppies, explain you too pay attention to enjoyment, and vulnerable to temptation.

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