Dream of cherry blossoms

Dream of the cherry blossom is what mean?Dream dream of cherry blossoms?Dream of cherry blossom has the reality and the influence of the reaction, but also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of cherry blossoms detailed solution.

Dream of cherry blossoms

Duke of zhou interpretsDream of cherry blossoms

The cherry blossom is the symbol of love and hope, represents the elegant, plain pure love.

Dream of a tree full of cherry blossoms, this is a dream, you will meet people, usually pay more attention to do well the best relationships, get along with people, will be very good for your development.

Dream of cherry blossoms fall into the wind, love will rise, can look forward to a happy date, best together watching movies, listening to music, attending concerts, etc., but the cost of a date must each half, because they have money and the risk of a dispute.

Dream of cherry blossom branches snapping, remind you should pay attention to body health, beware of accidental injury.If you like to play basketball or skating, must be doubly careful, may reappear in the movement of the accident.

Dreamed of cherry blossoms case analysis

A 】 【 case

Dream description: as a fantasy girl, she dreamed of a day in early spring season alone to walk to the park and walked and walked, something like a snowflake floating down, then with the hand, she turned out to be the cherry blossom.Look up, cherry blossoms are full of branches, and, as a cloud like chardonnay.Cherry blossoms dancing in a smile, her with open arms, petals fell on her face, very sweet very sweet.

Dreams resolution: the cherry blossomssaysIs the symbol of love and hope, represents the elegant, plain pure love.Girls dream of cherry blossoms, means your looking forward to a wonderful love, or you are in love.

The second case.

Dream description: had a dream last night that my school is full of the peach blossom, very beautiful pink, then also dreamed that I love for a long time he (not) at a school in the school full of cherry blossoms, pink, is also beautiful.Both the cherry blossom and peach blossom in the dream, are in full bloom, is very, very, solving the dream oh ~

Dreams resolution: cherry blossom and peach blossom symbolizes love, at the same time appear in your dreams, your desires of the heart is very flourishing, how long or not, do you like for a long time he will start to fall in love!

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