Dream of camellia

What's the meaning of dream of the camellia?Dream dream of camellia, ok?Dream of camellia has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of camellia detailed solution.

Dream of camellia

Duke of zhou interpretsDream of camellia

Camellia is the symbol of love and the noble and pure, humility, ideal.Dream of camellia, indicates his love will continue to develop, be well, jack shall have Jill.

Unmarried men and women dream of camellia, will soon find Mr Right.

A pregnant womanDream of camellia, will mean that gave birth to a fine healthy baby, when I grow up must be attractive.

Students dreamed of camellia, said love will be sustained development.Two people will be very close to the heart, must meet every day.The only concern, which may have put the education.

Dreamed of camellia case analysis

A 】 【 case

The dream description: mepregnancyThere are seven and a half months.I dreamed I went to picked some flowers on the hill camellia, white pink.Also unplug a tree with pink flower trees?Ready to take home to plant, please you help me with my dream!

Dreams resolution: pregnant women dream of camellia, indicate your baby are healthy and outstanding appearance handsome when he grows up.

The second case.

The dream description:Dream of the husbandMining, camellia give yourselfHer husband was having an affair, dreamed of his tea plucking flowers for me, I don't.

Dreams resolution: camellia symbolizes purity of love, you because her husband was having an affair, feelings is not pure, so you don't accept to send his camellia, is think her husband is no longer the pure love for you, let you rejection.

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