Dream of clover

Dream of clover is what mean?Dream dream of clover, ok?Dream of clover with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of clover detailed solution.

Dream of clover

Clover is also known as "lucky grass", dream of the lucky clover symbol.

Dream of clover said rich comfortable, cheerful.At the same time also reflects the optimistic state of mind, your heart in everything you always willing to believe that there will be opportunities and hope, so life is always full of sunshine, this is the precious wealth of your inner world.

Dreamt of walking in alfalfa field in fragrance, is a good dream.The dreamer all desire to achieve.Farmers will have a good harvest, the young man will win the wealth.If is withered alfalfa field, will bring sad and sigh of regret.

Dream of clover, promises to be success soon to you with open arms.Young girls dream of a snake through the flowering of alfalfa field, indicated that she will have long lost faith in love, her environment make people depressed, but in the eyes of friends, she is very lucky.

Dreamed of clover, you will be pampered;

Dream of clover blossom, the love, the business is thriving.

Dream of clover (trifolium), as guests of trillion, predicted in the near future will have guests visit.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: alfalfa has long been thought to bring luck to people's mascot, it has the same symbolism in dream.

Spiritual symbol: from the spiritual level, clover symbol of the trinity of three persons: father, son, and holy spirit.

Dreamed of clover case analysis

Dream to dream the dream description: night clover, not long on the earth, is grow on trees.Like poplar, outside the branches above full are clover.

Resolution: dream dream of clover, means luck comes, everything goes well.

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