Dream of cauliflower

What is the meaning of dream of cauliflower?Dream dream of cauliflower?Dream of cauliflower with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of cauliflower detailed solution.

Dream of cauliflower

Dream of cauliflower, meaning you are a man of hard work and plain living.

Dream of cauliflower, show that you are a person hard, success will eventually let you get your dedicated, wealth is piling up.

Officials dream of cauliflower, suggest you in officialdom of word of mouth is very good, hard work and plain living style has always been you standard.

Dream of cauliflower, you is to blame because of neglect of duties.

Long dreamed of cauliflowerThe worm, means that you are affected by the luxury style, become freely, but your subsequent resources and root, this is very dangerous.

Dream of broccoli, cauliflower is growing strong, the field indicated that your career is very well, deep trust of leadership.

Dream of cauliflower is growing, the future of you became clear after after a loss.

youngA womanDream of a garden cauliflower, said she would marry, but not of the person you like, just in order to cater to the wishes of the parents.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream of cauliflower, palace of the dream, the host place;The human dream.Tongda main fame and wealth.Possession, into pushing higher.

Dreamed of cauliflower case analysis

Dream description: dream of parents held my hand to go shopping, I inadvertently looked up and saw the trees are covered with cauliflower, the whole tree into umbrella, I feel very strange, it is kind of a tree.

Resolution: dream dream of cauliflower, remind you to thrift, maintain a good attitude.

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