Aries type O blood

Aries _ type O blood type characterAries _ type O blood type characterAries _ type O blood type character

  Character and temperament

Type O people, the action features simply type is analysis.Whatever you do anything to see the facts carefully, carefully to judge the situation, but only after action.But in type O people, the most active and adventurousAries, often before the opportunity is not fully mature, took it, just do it.The sword and the shoe and actions, although there are examples of success, but the vast majority of failure due to estimation errors, or forced to return to the origin, in general, O you Aries, the principle of character is "readily, flat, flatly," when you encounter setbacks, will not be so depressed, so, you don't always live in the regret of failure, because you are a positive action type, hard to avoid emulative heart is too strong and patient enough impression to the person.Your competitive, is by O unique romantic consciousness, and integration of Aries snappy traits of temperament.You won't because of fear of failure, and lose courage of action, also won't because of aggressive, and refused to accept the fact of failure.

O you Aries, interpersonal relationship is good, but I don't like all reason, nagging, dead to tie up live after relationship, no matter what happens, you are like a clean, hate sloppily.You are not on me, but, self consciousness is very strong, don't agree, you hate being command in first be a yes-man.If you can't always walk in front of others, they don't feel comfortable in my heart.As the saying goes: "rather do tail, not for Chinese brake", ambitious and ambitious it is your best picture.You use to collect information, on the dynamics of the world.

O Aries you and the other is a feature rich the milk of human kindness, even though you don't like ambiguous relationship, however, it attaches great importance to the world, especially in road sees rough situation, you help more obvious weak consciousness, make you have the courage to stand up, draw out a sword.

To sum up, this type of you, though don't like to rely on others, but allow others to rely on their own.This kind of mentality, may say is the performance of the strong superiority.Your charisma, and the crowd was deeply fascinated, around the worship, so easy to had been pushing for the group leader, this is the type O your Aries, unique place.As a result, you will also attaches great importance to the survival value than anyone else, active play to individual original ability, subordinates, as others the way you or show the mediocre incompetence, but, as long as have a chance to stand out from the crowd, you'll become high-profile leader, which may be O Aries potential.

Advice: your personality is bright and clear, not easy to refuse to entrust others things, so should be especially careful not to be used by cunning people.

  The tendency of love and sex

O you Aries, if love a person, can actively to act without hesitation, as a result, each other is very easy to feel your passion and your behavior still has certain advantages, without abrupt violent ways.

Fall in love, you will carefully observe the other person's psychology and attitudes, and thinking mode, but with full of intense emotion, so, tend to make estimates of calm.In other words, thinks he has thought long and hard and strong case, but the result of excessive enthusiasm, but often lose the objective judgment, finally tasted the bitter fruit of that love.

"Get up, put down" is the principle of you fall in love, once ignited the spark of love, should pour into all the energy to get results in a short period of time.

That went on for several years the slow way of courtship is O despite losing you the most disgusting way of love, even if is brief encounter, you also hope to be able to fully express their warm feeling, in the same way, when you brokenhearted with type O Aries, also won't last very long still unhappy.You may be wasted, or try a new hairstyle, then everything is gone with the wind, break.Such sad period is over, you will come back to the original life orbit.

Because of O Aries romance is likely in the moment of passion, so by love when sex is also surprisingly quickly.But, O Aries, you don't take love as a game, just from the consciousness of love to the sex of the combination of process, seemed a bit faster than others.

In the idea of you with love and physical contact occurs, is a matter of course.Therefore, you won't be constrained by some secular ideas, the special thoughts and practices, is not acceptable for everyone.So, sometimes O AriesA womanWill be misinterpreted as easy virtue.

O Aries, you are not particularly strong desire of the people, also is not by nature frivolous people, like romantic atmosphere due to the nature, so you will be very attaches great importance to the choice of location and atmosphere build, in spite of all, only to achieve the purpose of behavior, is that you do not do.

Integrated above each point, can you understand O Aries, namely active and keen on the expression of feelings, often with a warm passion to influence each other.For the close relationship between men and women, although you think that is a very natural thing, but never force the other party.

Advice: no matter the love or further sexual behavior, must be coordinated with each other well, otherwise, even if can make a successful relationship is short.If just to do things in their own pace, so must result in failure.

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