Aries AB blood

Aries AB blood _ type characterAries AB blood _ type characterAries AB blood _ type character

  Character and temperament

ABAriesYou, probably since the childhood has been as a monitor, or the head of a group of children.Because, you are born with leader's temperament, like leadership, command others.

So-called "charisma", refers to is hidden in your personality and calm, wise action.You like a pioneer, to have and no concessions to the environment, have sense of responsibility for your own life.

With a lot of people, you naturally in the center of all.In the crowd, because of your anger and imposing manner is very easy to attract others attention.Attracted not only by qualities of others, this type of you, often due to the impartial and win a good reputation, good at taking care of others also natural become all dependent objects.

About your character, it is also worth mentioning is that you always put your heart really calm, wise disguise not dew.In fact, your heart is extremely strong, ambitious and stubborn, but your appearance let others think you are a just want to lead you, take care of a friend.

Under the illusion of appearance, people just think you are laughing, for power seems to be not too big ambitions.You are the spirit of the peak, the more your morale high.Can use a word to describe you: calm and enthusiasm of both aspirant.

AB Aries you, in the modern competition, with the most suitable for the survival of the personality, not only that, but you the intrepid decisive character, make you easy to get ahead.

Although you race to the top, eager to participate in social, but is too tough, might make you get the opposite result, and even lead to misfortune.

You probably find it hard to accept the advice, because, you like to usurp the role of leader, was put in the crowd is very high, you have a philosophy of never yielding.Therefore, in the community life, don't you may go to play the role of a subordinate, d man, only to others is your most critical behavior, any outstanding and the one who is better than you, or consciousness of people, you must be unconsciously want to challenge him.

Under this overweening personality, you should remember that unless you have to think twice before all things, to measure yourself again after the strength of the action, otherwise, will only be referring contemptuously dismissed as clunky or rude.

Lack of patience is one of the great Achilles' heel, although, in the rapid decisive battle, you courageous character often fight a battle for you, but for the long war of resistance, to expose your weakness.

You can master a pre-emptive strike.For the back of the aftermath, however, you are less able to handle, this characteristics to pay attention to, because, in your very valuable successful character, latent, the lack of patience factor, often leave a mess for someone else to pick up, or fall by the wayside reversed, it is quite dangerous.

Advice: you start is the guarantee of success.

  The tendency of love and sex

AB Aries, you very enthusiasm is bold, for love you quoted the courage not afraid of failure, willing to pay, your whole heart without scruple.You won't get their emotions hidden, be sure to let them know that you love.

You often in the case of love at first sight, then determined the fierce offensive, also regardless of whether anyone had family, or the heart has already belong to, anyway, as long as you have a special liking it at all for love.Do you often give up political correctness, even tempted to defraud, all is not, this is very shocking style.

If you the enthusiasm projection of the object, then the relationship will be toward the bright is dazzing, luster is extraordinary.The enthusiasm, however, on the other side too late in the presence of a psychological preparation, often scare each other, play into wishful thinking.

But then again, if two people after, soon fell into the whirlpool of love, but get out soon, once the enthusiasm, there is nothing left.

The course of your life, there will be in love many times, but AB Aries, you finally always let people bump broken glasses, choice of being members of the opposite sexTo get married.In the long-term have fully understanding, each other into each other's heart and don't even know it, once there are unexpected events, instead urged the two of you shorten the distance, and then let you know that what is true love.

AB Aries, you fall in love always has been more straight way into each other's heart, don't let the other side has time to consider in detail and to capture his heart, this type of you, hate with love is not willing to show that posturing, or, no, no, just so unhappy.

After love, AB Aries you will into the physical world.Generally speaking, your idea of sex is not conservative, and sometimes show very open side.

Usually, from the pursuit of the opposite sex to physical relationship, AB Aries you will take the initiative, positive attitude, this type of women, too, as long as that one object, will take the initiative to pursue their love.

, however, does not conclude that AB Aries you desire strong, can only say that detonated after passionately in love, makes you stir the senses the induction of the world, but rarely indulge.

AB Aries people are, in fact, have the mood to read first, just have desire, desire only to prove the existence of love.

Advice: don't be too self-centered when fall in love, only care about their feelings, more should be looking out for each other.

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