Morphology of the flat garden reading articles

Morphology of the flat garden reading articles

Customs form, the most important, is also very complex.Covenant of, that is, long, short, fat, thin.Points, to gold, wood, water, fire, earth, is divided into five form;By, armour, shen, tian, with, king, round, eye, and the wind, is divided into ten;Have to animals and birds, divided into dozens of form;Have to Yin and Yang, is divided into five;To quality, divided into three.Each is a well founded view, made sense.Mrs Yin and Yang qi to terrestrial qi, when there is a measure of length is different, but each had its when.The elders all long, head of proportion;All short short, gesture fitting;Fat is not felt his wife, unconsciously;Thin is not explicit, unknowingly, are all bad.

Morphology of the flat garden reading articles

What is a gold form?White and it is also.Travelling cloud: "gold form the heavy color white, abdomen round back sound clear, thick palm Fang Erping show up the bone, chest flat with meat fat qualified."Such as five form all party, every move, all very strong across Europe, sit the longer and more also, is refers to is gold.If every thick soil, can say is rich, all right, don't camp seeks.But king size, strong light, a fire burning, smelting with sand and water is cold, must scrutinize it.

What is a wooden form?Green and thin is also.Travelling cloud: "the form of a thin wood straight joints strong, narrow waist length elegant fairy, eyebrow thin white lips red hair, sound clear enough god blessing."Such as five form are thin, every move, all very clear, the longer and more straight, is refers to is wood, if water, rich, English literature, the teacher of immortal.But not handsome, coagulate turbid, giant Liang Dongzhe, some committee to the thorns, to be a subtle difference.

What is a water form?Black and fat circle is also.Travelling cloud: "water round shape heavy jorge posada, eyebrow is thick mouth big hip bone, swollen belly meat hanging line difficult, strong sound chang god with a silver spoon in her mouth."Such as five form all round, every move, all very tolerant, line of the longer and more article, is refers to is water, if kinson, double into fame and fortune, wisdom circle line, can inform fruit.But water, farmland, rivers, a cloud a sluggish, with Wang Yangqing chang, must be of discernment.

What is a fire form?The tips is also red.Travelling cloud: "fire form FengRui red and coke, the tip pinkish red line body shake, yellowing of zygomatic cut chest, sound impatient focal forehead high alone."Like five form dew, every move, carry forward, the longer and more agile, is refers to is the fire, if the wood was born, straight qingyun, fame), ferro pian ".But fire is tender, there is violence, there are some light, have lit up and down, and shall examine the.

What is soil form?Yellow and sincere is also.Tactic cloud: "soil form. It is yellow ribbon, and flat head is pavilion square, flat back equally thick thick, long eye zygomatic faces Tian Kang."Such as five form are thick, every move, all very sedate, lie the longer and more antai, is refers to is the soil, if enough to help, too warm, its generation, its wealth is easy enough, but the soil is fertile, is barren, there are massive, with floating dust, must be analysis.All in all, five can form one is that can be based on the society.But five form is complex with each other, each other life, we should compare and reference, do not hold one to lose its true also.

By his fingernails, ten literal form, but also related to the five elements.Such as the face on the broadly, namely the forehead narrow, narrow to cabinet well-developed, department of fire is, is of the glyph.Mortal body by the glyph, at the beginning of the men the Lord alone, after middle age for a can flexibly;In women it alone, no children, in the life of the phase, such as mei without power, is particularly inadequate.Every face on broadly, under the broad forehead, pavilion sharp losses, department of wood is, is of a glyph, much less polluted in qing dynasty, before and after 20 years old, can be proud of fame.But wealth eloth, always is not enough, and after 51, the family wealth, gradually discrete;Women and vice-versa.

Every facial pointed and supplied by the middle, up and down the slant of the wood fire, which is "glyph, Lord without roots, youth Dun more, after the age of 27, Fang Kemou pushing higher, at fifty-two years old, and is not auspicious, appropriate assert seclusion, not outside the camp, the trouble is.Every facial width, warehouse hong leong, the soil is, that of tian glyph, all very lucky all his life, and a group of points, but broadly and forced, thick and promote, fertilizer and hysteresis, and is white, is the main life.If is black, the south of north, expensive and longevity, ferro, wife is auspicious.Every facial side and a long, thick, namely three stop long wide, Ming yue, warehouse, location is not forced, department of gold is, could be of glyph, is for the case, life target, your wife and son, blessed John Paul and have longevity, Qing without shoulds not be too.

Every facial founder, with bone without meat, "the king of the glyph, the lattice of lu is not complete, the eunuch should not be the person in the city is since the more, in the riverside of fisherman, in the township for the teeth, no evil corruption, die.Every face round eyes, round ears, round and fat of water are, namely "the circle of glyph, parents early death, flesh scattered, neither Quaker, without become old, yea, such as in technology trade, fair live;Women have this and may not be parents of chastity saw, and 30 or so, may have a violent death.

Every face up and down and all partial long and thin, and the high forehead narrow, promoting small, central to the pavilion is long and narrow, the slant of the goldwater, refers to the eye of the font, this is the base of the case, before the age of twenty, or enjoy ZuFu, namely wealth scattered people, later sold as rural, have children, also not good, if have a long life, also belong to the company.Every face misconduct is not straight, with glyph, main break away lonely, is to take place, the vertical body skin, are very moist, but also early and clothing, reluctantly.Every face up and down all the big and middle small person, namely heaven party is wide, cabinet fat rich.Two zygomatic narrow, the slant of the fire and water, the wind of "glyph, the rich that end poverty, passive no no, near your place.Women have this, will be on their journeys, have no children, have a child without a husband, will not be satisfactory to both sides.The ten literal form probably.

So-called by animals and birds, like its shape, its sex, it will.In order to don't the wealth rich, poor and ears.Is physical rolling rocks such as dragon, tiger, manners, heavy chicken shape is described, crane is god bone and comely, kirin grand form the attitude, the lion shape, appearance, pictographic is heavy, cattle are easing, deer shape sphears light, horse during the sudden rush, wolves, avarice and poison, ape-like make lighter and cunning, serpentine is harm evil heart, turtle is timid and fear, piggy is stupid was fierce, dog is temperamental, sheep shape is faint turbidity, more bear no one, the cunning fox form paranoid, chicken is good sex poison, dove shape is good discomposure.Rattus norvegicus was panic fraud and theft, rabbit shape is stealing fear, yan form is full, righteousness, en echelon love tianlun, magpie shape is like people heard noise, an eagle is formidable.Outside the donkey shape, roe, fish, shrimp, crab, crane, yuanyang, parrots, geese and ducks, camels and so on, but under the guise of the match, can for the three, no more.

To points of Yin and Yang, is how much of this the quality of Yin and Yang, divided into the lunar, shaoyin, fewer people, sun Yang, Yin and Yang five peaceful people.Lunar person, color HeiXia, rolls for grain big before, heart, difficult and poor, outside like gentle, solid snake, brawn gently, thick skin, firm is Yin Yang more with less people.Yang people less, shaped like a very clear, but very depressed, body anteflexion, stomach intestine, and lifted up, row v, have only small, sex is soft, and rejoiced, envy read deeply, Yin Yang few people more also.The sun people, against the abdomen zhang, sex just gas lift, not content, boastfulness, disregard human speech, regardless of right and wrong, although lost without regrets, even frenzy, Yang Yin fewer people more also.Yang people less, immediately good, row is good, quite have the wisdom, since shi is very high, thought, though a week, will, as mere, not actual, Yang Yin fewer people more also.Peaceful people, Yin and Yang, blood gas, Yin and Yang are the flat, manners serene, calm, fear is easy, nor J time yue, not dare not over, humble, the so-called gentleman person also.This was not designed for reading, can the information for the study of reading.

Approachable XiangShu in the quality of people, don't let the physique quality, nutritional quality, three heart nature.The physique quality, surface shape oblong or elliptic.Nutritional quality, surface shape round or square.Heart nature, form triangle or inverse eggs, Europe and the United States people of pear shape is also.Bones and muscles mass, the bone from his visceral organs and brain nerve, shape gangling, skin tight, bold black hair, the palm of your hand straight, thin solid grain outnumbered cross bedding, chest circumference is greater than the waist and abdomen, face more black, also have red and white, how brave to heavy, no laziness lazy slow, good for the wild, not secluded, longer than the observation, shorter than thought, seek truth from facts, 不尚空谈, ability, indomitable, although nutrition quality is better than the riches of good jia, however much high jointed, power is great, and physical strength, shall belong to live long, but there is more, easy might have ears.Nutritional quality, nutritional organs of the body, than the physique and brain developed, namely the respirator digesters circulator, etc., are great, physique is fat circle.

Neck short body, hair fine not thick, face more meat, two h here, so the constant have heavy h.As for color, face red with white with black, face red due to the large heart blood vessels, side of the brain is greater than the hindbrain, the sanguine temperament, is refers to the fire.White surface due to the large of the lower abdomen, the cerebellum and side pituitary of developed, is called soil.Surface of black people in bile secretion (liver), ear hind upper is relatively developed, trace near bile to pledge, is refers to form water.If the quality of people, its development is quite, is good at camp, self-defense of working very, very alert, very suitable for party, and destiny is extremely strong, easy to happiness, seed breeding, property, the world of music, no more than, but, without a thought of profound beauty when the trick of the plot to rape the private, or greed for riches, or decadent and doctrines, or because of not speak hygiene, cause cancer blood palsy acute conditions such as stroke and death.Heart of nature, the role of brain nerve, is greater than the internal organs and bones and muscles, skin, bone, slender, form, is a harmony and cou justified density, organization is exquisite, long curved eyebrow eye, no idle capacity, voice is soft, can still ear, hair soft, pale face, also with black and red, black for the bones and muscles is mixed, red is the exchange and of moving material.

If the quality of people, even, its development is as elegant and handsome appearance, constant as the father of a mountain, which was clever, sensory acuity, artistically, noble thoughts and lively, the power of the imagination, is extremely beautiful, the thought of moral, especially deeply, for literary arts, hobbies, what all poets and scholars, both from out.What the mass, and youth are clever beautiful, so-called prodigies, such as, but not strong it learns, that show and not solid, so that this kind of character, should make its nutrition, increasingly vigorous, with strong physical, fundamental, both amplifier can also.Suppression of constitution, is a kind of character, and will be in three kinds of character, each have ingredients, interactive activities.Just because people have a special development, cause don't JiChongJiQing, namely how bulls, said why mass, therefore, the so-called so-and-so is qualitative, real is the qualitative comparison of the ear.Bear the character of our genetics and education, such as a good, solid when more encouragement, in order to convention breaking, namely the unfortunate and therefore under column, should also be perseverance, encouraging must change its character and try to improve, the face is very poor, also can turn a beautiful view, cloud "man can conquer nature" is also.

Country XiangShu, eight, eight little, there are the so-called five, five, and five long, short five and five small six, six evil, base, ten empty, etc., are forms of, and for general soil.Try excerpts from after.

The eight

Eight, namely the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, head, voice, face, body is big also.Eyes big and spirit, show Liang Zhugao big nose, big mouth and two horns in big ear and the contour points, the first big and frontal shrugged, sound great and rhyme, Guo Ming face big city, big body and three stops, said rich phase also;Otherwise the straw.Tactic cloud: "the eight true, rich man;Master economy prosperous sound light, god."Cloud: "eight corresponding name fang, rich than tao Zhu Gui temple gallery;Best demonstrated in the broad, why for ci bian soft just."

Eight little

Eight small person, that is, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, forehead, sound, face, body small also.Eyes small, long show, beam with a smaller nose, with rib and party, small ears, and the light of small Angle say good bye, little rhyme palace quotient, face small and looks young, small end very strong and prosperous phase.Travelling cloud: "eight small all full, rich cotton;If they do not cooperate, rank, comparable to flow."Cloud: "eight small shape mould also commendable, mental sound afraid there, indeed as expected to complete a form, do not make people rich, too."

Five us

Five together, namely bone integrity and have a Yin and Yang, integrity and has a soft, one also;Depending on the bile steady voice clear, physical weight and action shu, a close also;The temperature and guanghua, color pure and flawless, sanhe also;Intellectual right of large and heavy, also measure the macro and amiable, and also mixture;From which loyalty, love of friends and nobuyuki, five us also.Tactic cloud: "people have to five, cleverness, more children rectify or their happiness."Cloud: "f the corresponding light, smooth five big line to everything, don't ask, don't rise and fall, don't ask, don't phase this person how afraid not honor."

Five dew

Five dew, namely the protruding eyes, nose back, ear, lips lift, throat is also.Eye convex evil Lord died, nose up main wealth, ear against the principal punishments, lip lift many woes, throat JianZhi more.Travelling cloud: "a Lou 2 Lou, clothing, food and enough;Five is the dew, blessing forever."Cloud: "five available f tap, two dew SanLou against for disaster;Breast convex back high leakage, this form shall keep the money."

Five long

Five elderly people, namely, head length, length, body length, length of the hand and foot.Five all long, and bone and hong leong, comely moist, good also.Such as bones and coarse, and channels and dew, although five long, also for the rich.These cloud: "five people all long, for the king;An ominous short hand short, life."Cloud: "five long bone looks coarse, only sorrow channels and floating, don't too thin and no moist, look away when fame and fortune."

Five short

Five is shorter, the head is short, short, short, short short hands and feet.Five is short, and the flesh smooth, Yin tang MingRun, yue to the arch, riches and honour are;Otherwise, is five short, also belong to the rich.Or on next short length, the hand short foot long, are the main straw.Under short on long and short foot long arms, more prosperous.Travelling cloud: "five short, meat and soft, riches and honour, seems to hold stamps."Cloud: "five short of small as child, must be more bone thin Yin tang feng, four blaspheme mountains to phase in lu how always."

Five small

Five small breasts, that is, small head, eye, abdomen is small, small ears, with also.If the head of a small Angle, eye small, delicate and pretty, small, round hanging, small ears and contour, yue is small and the lips, solid is very expensive.And five small and correct, for your photograph.If or three four and two large, rich class.Travelling cloud: "five small, ferro, voice loud and clear, riches and honour to the old."Cloud again: "little head to spirit, bright sound temple gallery, Jane a palace there all, must be after screen people."

Six evil

Six evil one, one, eye bolts, look, the main act;Second, the lip teeth don't mask, Lord discord;Three time, hearing the Lord foul and poison;Four, head tilting the main base and crafty cunning;Five, three stop leaning Lord sinister and crafty;LiuEr sinusoidal caper main complex.All the six evil people, are not to place.Travelling cloud: "surely form six evil, dirty, not as the base, the tu to strip off."Cloud: "six the evil of human nature is very, the heart like snake poison like wolves, so Hugh asked, end must have, disaster prevention."

Six base

6 base, a heart, no shame aversion, 2, a simper demeanor, three, and unknown, the four short, happy people, five, has long ass-kicking, six, blindly fawn on and echo, the morphology of little people, do not say get a curse.Travelling cloud: "six base, all the hao male, behave so, fresh g has a end."Cloud: "six people not from the base, life chests are false, the good sell ugly shame jedaiah, there after what is my career."

Ten empty

Ten empty, one, the forehead, pointed to the sky, no points, main office possessions without the base, punishment alone, young is bad;2, chin tip for air defense, Lord who age of late, husband and wife, relatives and apathy, work less;Three, the nostrils.Is empty.The main middle-aged run-down.Old age.Child is not effective, ineffective gluten-free;Under four empty, namely in the low, the main relatives and friends, the same flesh and blood heartless, brothers, and insulation wife left;Five empty, namely the bearded need not, the main pesters, total void, no friends, no friends, no children in death;Six empty, namely no musquash, Lord have after first, fatigue break restless, and no become old, yea, strive hard to bear.Seven empty, short hair, such as boxing, main disposition, men and women, and disrespect to kiss, not loyal to;Eight empty, namely hall in tears and principal punishments wife KeZi, hard life, mind, check for ground;Nine empty, namely the eye no divine, master life is not forever, mind is ineffective, children, brothers;Ten empty, that have a life of no eyebrow bone, dictatorial, no brother and younger brother, life is long forever, to old with.These cloud: "ten empty all dead, is true, there is the visual and it can hide."Cloud: "the worst, ten empty humanoid longitudinal wizards also invite, life mistake without a result, the innate acquired slanting b" will Zhang Mai bare (yushan mountain people, who study in university of Japan, the research philosophy, namely the gleaming technique using a) theory such as fineness, and the pivot of the article 5, extracts from after.

Zhang Mai birthday: fineness, according to the structure of physical, too fat man will be empty, the so-called hollow, with long life is less, and the thought, feel dilatory, not only the knowledge of its director, namely labor, also with trunk massive, can't do.But his blessings will be thick, can enjoy happiness, not to the poor life.Man will be sick too desert, nor life, but can I come, his thought is often unexpected.But more blessings thin, often may turn to for life.With the body of solidifying, moderate fineness, limbs facial features, physical strength, mental developed, regardless of the Labour leader, no unfavorable.Otherwise, its too fat, or give me take its desert.

Cover can any knowledge of the desert, and durable, which is a bit poor, also can stand, the so-called good at it also.To length, different countries, namely from the viewpoint of my country, people of the north is a bit long, of southern slightly shorter.So the length is not man's temperament, but depending on whether the whole body.If the private parts is shorter length, the man will alert, mental acuity, feel quickly, and a lifetime happiness, less poverty.Waist short and down the elderly, although physical sensation is a bit strong, and general intelligence is not enough, for life, no peace.Therefore, jue but up and down the body's most CARES. On average, pesters, is capable of, since the south from the north, the odds.If her private parts is shorter length, the baby will be more;Walking the length and frivolous, life is not long.Desert and long, white of color, and jin Lou at outside, more disease and less life.

If Mrs Weight, is also different.DaLv for fineness length scale, fat and body will be heavy, the elderly desert and short body shall be light.The person that weigh, but body brain less sensitive.Light person physical strength is not strong.So the most overweight people status, still or not subversion, and residency status, life can not be developed.Light, the most easy to use their brains, to enhance its status.Often with his bare hands and how great you are, but the fall is also very easy.To the body in small, the person that weigh: man proposed will be strong, life will be long, wins, can hold power;In the women's sex will just, not unfaithful.If the body hypertrophy and weight is light, the person shall be no moral integrity, dodging certainly, its will be very humble, peace of mind.To the woman, if this is Yin and base, how to be a whore first class.

The pivot of the cloud: wooden form, pale color, small head, long face, big shoulder, straight body, small brothers, good talent.Come, little force, due to more things.Good shape, fire red, small head, shoulder, leg abdomen, small brothers, wide month lead, take off the surface, light, letter, less worry matter Ming and yan, heart, not long life.Soil type, yellow, round face, big head, shoulder, big belly, small brothers, fleshy, up and down, good people, don't like power, good with people.Shape of gold are, white, ways, small head, shoulder, lower abdomen, small brothers, clean body, heart, static welding, good collectors.Water people, black, surface rough, big head, LianYi, small shoulder areca, hands-on, issuance of morphing, under tajiri long, back delay, do not fear, good deceives gives a person, all died.

Press: in this section, by the various forms are gathered in the ancient and modern Chinese and foreign new old, although no good place, or chat also minds ear.And make up the five elements, the original rhyme formulas for each book, much less refined, had noodles please Yu such as (shanxi qinshui, qing let-out jinshi, is longer than verse) give five lines each song, in order to increase interest in reading.Than bearing yu yue: "this poem, only can embedding location nouns means in the song, make people easy to remember, reason of rhyme formulas.The original can not, and also not elegant, otherwise, all parts of the word, must overthrow also.Oooo!But will not be made."Only in accordance with the meaning and the four words rhyme formulas, so that the memory, not cloud ear.Attached of tzu chi.

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