"Ping garden reading" of the spirit

"Ping garden reading" of the spirit

"Element asked life of die young, strong article" cloud: "the emperor asked Yu Bo high yue:" more than smell have priorities, gas has ups and downs, bone size, nut crisp meat, skin thickness, by the life of die young, helpless?""High yue:" shape and gas phase of life, don't phase Ren Zetian.Skin and flesh phase in the life, do not wrap is dead.Flesh meridian wins, longevity, too numerous to form the dead.Form and skin slow life, form filling and skin nasty day.Form and pulse supplied by strong shun, form filling and small veins in the weak breath failure.Can't afford to form filling and zygomatic bone, bone is dead.Shape and big, meat process is established, meat is longevity.Shape and filling, meat process, nut meat, crisp, crisp meat is dead."(note: this is bone complexion and theory, and its main in spirit.)The spirit of no miscellaneous, hidden in the body, also dominated the whole body.So the spirit of all things, to everything lai spirit.Especially to look for the best.For their spiritual coagulation gwon-chul motionless, break the absence of color.And look clear real don't float, since the spirit of no dry lag.Look for the son of the spirit, and spirit is the mother of the look.Look in the spirit, has a spirit, has a look.

"Ping garden reading" of the spirit

XiangShu the spirit of the ancient and modern to talk very much, we recorded the more reason, in the study."Qing god as" cloud: "of the word of god, and not visible, not seeking hidden, virtual and intangible.Is the heart of the cable, without like also.Is the shape of measurable, manifest in c. above, faint in the five zang-organs, but may has fallen at his eyes, and sleep soundly, thinking by heart, so god in the form of table, light of the sun, according to all things, and also within the hidden in the sun.And the lady's eye, qing Ming is god, faint turbidity is god.Less is more than six DE in qing dynasty, the six flavors;Turbidity is six, confused more than six less."

Looking its shape and yue: "husband, or sprinkle of qing dynasty, however, or become warped show, however, or JiaoRan and Ming, or jade-like stone setting, however.C. stirred up, feeling color shot people, all by god within and see table.The god and clear, bright and clear, as also the riches and honor.Faint and turbidity, soft and afraid, the phase of poor thin also.Solid and JingZhe, and their god.Detailed and JingZhe, their god.And virtual urgent, and the god."Again yue: "have no, see have, of the ancient;Orange but jade-like stone church, see it lovely, is clear;Carry on, point, of mei.That opened like Ming, like is not completed, of diaspora;Like drunk, not drunk like trapped not sleepy, who faint turbidity.

"Phase principle HengZhen" cloud: "have the rest of the gods, QingYing, look not oblique, eyebrow and long, wonderful, color transparent clear, manners, wang Yang, has hyperopia, if the harvest moon as frosty day.Stand near the pursuit and the breeze of the spring, everything else resolute, like a beast accompanied mountains.Glorious distant, xiang cloud of red phoenix in morning.Its sit it if his motionless, its lie such as habitat crow 1 roll, the adults are YangYangHu like smooth water flow, the state also aung colours such as butte shrugged.Not false hair, don't jump mania, and its heart, is not easy to its operation, the credit of dispute over state fault before the heart is often in not two."

"The water mirror set" cloud: "sit the waist fold, is no god.Sit mountain sceneries, is god.Set foot is lame, it is no god.As stone statue, is god.Language is intermittent BeiYan, it is no god.Each leaf language such as the big bell temple traders, is god.Merlin is eyebrow lock let sorrow, a god.Listening is as deaf as setting, it is no god.Depending on the unknown forces and move the head leaned soft, is not of god.Words not loud, voice doesn't carry forward, and the food is too slow, rapid, drinks, such as flow such as burp, don't sleep and nose there is silence, for silence and mouth breathing, foot wave, lie back down, all of god "also."To our experience, in the spirit of people, all in the eyes, one big eye, small eye eye with compassion, and view the view, to face the evil and so on, have the spirit of the place said it.And the iron off) 9 "cloud:" can not only recognize it in the eyes, should be one week turning body movement, dietary daily life, in a speech, and seeking of audio-visual sound."Also very briefly, thanks to note.

Word line

Speech is the voice of the heart, the fortunes of doors, light is called, especially where there are few complaints, so the ancients for poem "Bai Gui" to quit.Side person, not false hair, the hair will be in the day.Is person, no false, Chen Chen will be ordered.If slanderers into easily, evil words easy to exporters, little also.Cloud: "your word, mouth;"Said miss gage, the mouth of a thief.And with the sound, no rules.Bowed their heads and speakers will sinister.Sleep and speakers, many will think.A proud head and speakers, nearly hao.Laugh before said, more poison.Takes disorderly, a little ingenuity.Mania and numerous, no progress.Blunt and astringent, but in financial straits.To speak before hair and color change, or outstanding but gas has been superb, not make quality also, or to end well!View of language, which is known by its high and informed the edge words, said the justice, Jane JingZhe straight, and humility, XuDan is numerous, but hurry about it suddenly and violently, recklessness is coarse, how foolish people say stupid, so-called have all inside, shall surely conditions.

Is therefore phase morphology, the state of words, it is not difficult to finish.Cover lip in elderly, tooth, the word is that supplied by word mouth, tooth dew person kua.The heavy rain the whole person, not cunning poison;Teeth small, oblique, not careful to don't believe it.Don't tongue big breasts, say numerous;The small mouth supplied by the tongue, and light and fast.Tongue texture, more words will be reasonable;Bright red tongue, words must;Tongue is dark, not always.Tongue for elderly root, short tongue speak no economy.A fortuneteller cloud: "oral slants thin, is more.Sneer at half, more ruthless.Not since the shame, short spring and autumn period.No idea, will be the main injustice.Tube and clear, riches and honour.Deep and heavy, developed infinite."Have also to manage.

The action of the traveler a suit, so see equal."A person trip, the foot is not heavy, the forehead is not low, the body not to fold, hand to shake, hair must be nasty, on must be straight, started to be wide, prone to, however, not clot not lag, is noble.Odds the fire flames upwards, flirtatious, or step 欹 looks sad, or walking the bow, is not poor base, not crafty zha yi.To your country XiangShu, said "a majestic gait, waddle to the rich.Cattle walker rich, like a traveler, snakes poison risks, walker cruel Wolf, Ma Xingzhe labor.""And" action heavy honor, hasten ye wise, move straight riches and honour, heel does not fall to the ground lost ancestors, partial body and light person service."Theorem.The might of the pedestrian.To sit the regular serious, mountain like a tiger, my day-dreaming gaze as motionless, ji how silent, sit and straight, you sit and more grave, life of riches and honour, photogenic too.Such as body don't wish to, god is not strong, shaking knees insulation, lower the head to scowl, namely poor thin no capital, no life of their weak, carrier phase, also little also.The cloud: "wood shaking leaves fall, people shake wealth away."Compaction and the sciences.In a word, line clouds, water flow, sit as alum stone, like a tiger ju, for beauty.On the contrary, that is not auspicious, no doubt.

The sound sounds

In heart, for the root, sound of that.Man's voice, days of thunder, wind, mineral mountain, water waves, so clear and smooth, well, round and firm and light, slow and strong, sharp, and long and strong, brave and habits.As big as a big bell teng rhyme, gong drum vibration;Small jade qing stay ring, jean badge music.Light and strong, deep and hidden, fine and not random, and you can sing, and the penetration life of exam, the gentleman also.ReFu urgent and HSS, slow and astringent, shallow and dry, deep and hysteresis, large and scattered, small, broken, or like a broken gong defeated drum, or as cold pumping bitter cries, or like a lone wild goose be lost, disease apes couple, or as autumn cicada noise later, earthworm night sing, confused not into sound, intermittent not smell the talker, mean person, also not poor base, either alone or bitter.Its or male with female voice, cowardice and shall not be entitled to;Female with male sound, strong and remarry.People quietly concurrently, live is not to speak of;The National People's Congress sound small breasts, rank, since can't avoid.The weak voice, broken incompetent;Voice broken, done nothing.Sounds hard;Sex just evil heart;Voice soft, the mouth sweet heart.Voice low before, first, the poor and rich;Leon before they are weak, your first and then base.And wood of voice, bright clear standard;Fire of voice, JiaoLie pointed dry;King of voice, high ring chang;Water of voice, vast round rhyme;Soil of voice, deep heavy: that is, each into their shape, phase was quoted, prosperous New Year.

These cloud:

Kim seng chang gao jiao, fire and wood acoustic highest rao,

Dialect, such as depth, fire ring round rhyme fluttering.

Noble rhyme abdomen, gas solid throat wide loud and strong,

Straw from your breath, life who don't run to flow.

Rich people send clear, voice loud like bells,

Sound rhyme all the way to go, is the wave sea whales.

Hearing of the people) spectrum language, riches for the defeat is low,

Fundus shoots good, he had feared the solitary habitat.

Sound like a broken gong waste by heart, a dry dull He Qin,

Rich surplus father without merit, immediately see death always not gold.

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