Physiognomy teach you skills recognition lies

facesLearn to teach you skills recognition lies

Before learning, please make sure you can handle the truth and happiness a trade-off between this kind of situation, otherwise it is best not to look down again...Some of the easy to learn "letterman recognition lies skills", though some fur, but used to puncture the harmless little white lies around us also useful enough.

Physiognomy teach you skills recognition lies


Said eyebrows pick and crowded together on fear.

Really surprised expression, fleeting, is pretending to be more than a second.

When people in grief, forehead, canthus should have grain production.Lifts people, because the face muscle paralysis, this situation is a different matter.

There is no wrinkles of canthus, fake smile when.

When faces on both sides of asymmetric, their expression is likely to produce it.

, she said words have no confidence in myself.

Know perfectly well past ask, when will slightly raise eyebrows.

, if your query show disdain for you, you hit a nerve with each other.

, fear, anger, and sexual excitement can make the person's pupil dilation.

Eyebrows rose, jaws open.

Down tight brows wrinkle and raise your upper eyelid, eye week taut, said will implement the bloody violence.

, spoke on both sides of the corners of the mouth down, eyes looking down said embarrassed.

Valgus, nostrils, lips closed is a sign of anger.


Rub his hands, is a kind of comfort.When you feel guilty for what your said, rub hands can make you at ease.

One-sided shrug, words not confident in myself.

People lie, often in spite of her throat, this is a typical mechanical response.

Spongy tissue, the man's nose, when he tried to conceal what, nose starts to itch, at this time will subconsciously to touch your nose.

, both hands hold chest and back, is a kind of subconscious, that liar to feel guilty.

People usually think, lie people will avoid eye contact with each other.The reality is the opposite is true.When people is telling the truth, because memories deflect, if he had been staring at your eyes to answer the question, is lying, because he needs to watch, see if you believe his lies.

Finger to one side, eyes look to the other side: when you are racking their brains concoctive fact, body is completely can't keep up.

People subconsciously when they are lying, arched body.

, when a man really angry, angry words and actions should be synchronized.

Shook his head, people say to approve something associated with movement, said in his heart actually don't think so.

, and stretched forth jaw is a sign of anger.

People in fear when a physicalescapeReaction, the backflow of blood from the extremities to the legs (prepared to escape), so the hand of body surface temperature will decline.

Reluctantly, rubbing your eyes mean, even if a born blind, when asked to do what he don't want to do unconsciously and rubbing your eyes.

Said their hands around eyebrow bone to shame.

Insincerity will not have a blink of an eye.

, talk to each other when put the basketball in his chest, erected a barrier between each other, is a sign of anxiety.


Depends on a person's character is good, good or evil is easy.The heaviest if you observe the other person's eyes.The eyes are the window of the soul through the eyes can see people's inner world.

, clear and bright eyes, eye pupil black and no thief is credit, and of a good man can be trusted.The eye thief see white on the black pupil or next.Some are on the thief, some thief, some worse, up and down the thief.These are not a good face.Is callous, more suspicious fickle.Eyes open eyes, bad temper, impulse.If deserve to go up again disorderly and bushy eyebrows,killDare to.As for the dog, look, look uncertain.Usually fine eyes narrowed his eyes and love, are the people of the stealth.And squint, was a very shrewd man.A womanSquint for sensuality, if coupled with watery eyes, in the timing of the peach blossom hook is very big.Regardless of the men and women, crow's feet bulls are lustful.

Eye shape, long and show, look nice, kind-hearted, measurement is big, can get high officials give.Eyes bright and bright with dignity, temperament, intelligent, honest good;If the eye looks very dignified and attachment to all, but at high position.Eyes deep hidden god have the ability of thinking and analysis, intelligent and has great wisdom, and courteous;If deserve to go up long eye is better.Eye is the so-called traditional eye.Who has this kind of eye not only can climb high, and can have the aid of elders, subordinate obedience.And big eyes naturally optimistic, outgoing, diplomatic ability is very good, like making friends, is a natural pr personnel.Due to the warm, so easy to provoke peach blossom.Benefit is, eyes flashing bright type, optimistic and cheerful personality, is a kind of achievement will strive for work and life!If there is a foreign company work communication, negotiation, can be up to them to do it, because this person is good at co-opting, obvious benefit to the business of the company promote.

Have sharp eyes, coupled with thick black eyebrows, generous verve and style of Shanghai style, very capable.Though not fickle nonsense, but the downside is greedy and excesses.Although not bad, such as to his friends and partners, but also for the ends and means.

Some people talk, always keep eyes closed.Usually this kind of person if not more lewd, is cannot deliver the speaker.And talk to people or speak own history of veolia water constantly blink of an eye, like a bluff, very exaggerated and not practical.When talking to people's eyes love to look down and dare not face up to the other side of the people, is not a secret in your heart, is the heart is divided.Even if the person's face looks very loyal, also can't.And the white part if pan cyan, know this person may be suffering from symptoms of hysteria, impulsive and unable to control their own behavior.And when the white part of the congestion, besides is a sign of illness, also can be an early sign of worked up and struggle, have to watch out for.

, some people are very, very bright eyes, a look at will know that is the interested person, smart.But this is not the best looks, because they watched him.

, there is a man of his eyes is very peaceful quiet, dark with dignity, we looked like and trust him, this is called god.This is a good face.

Israeli researchers found handwriting analysis can be used to lie

People observed a man speak body language, facial expression and language, and determine whether the other lies.Israeli researchers found that examines the handwriting can produce similar results.Previous studies have shown that analysis of handwriting can help in the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease, alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia.University of Haifa in Israel explores the researchers found that handwriting analysis can be used to lie.Study leader as "handwriting lie," gil and Sarah lu in the junta bloom the research is published in the latest issue of the journal applied cognitive psychology.

They have recruited 25 women take part in the experiment, and nine men for the 34 volunteers to write two words, a true event record, another is a fictional story.Volunteers used by writing tools are different from common pen, respectively is at the top of the pressure device of wireless electronic pen and pad of paper on the computer touch tablets.This special "smart handwriting recognition tool" can help monitor and analyze the writing mode of study participants.

Writing exaggerated words lie color

Experimental results show that the people are writing fiction story with real events than when they leave the handwriting have change.These changes little with the naked eye observation, but the computer and touch tablet to collect data revealed obvious changes.The researchers wrote in the paper: "the fictional story, the average contact pressure, stroke length and height than writing paper exaggerated when real events."

Grown-ups often is an automatic response, write speed, the tip of residence time on the paper and pen, word length and width unchanged.If someone lie was writing at the same time, he put into writing process will be turned to the cognitive ability of weave lies, thus leaving the handwriting will change accordingly.

It remains to be development prospect is good

"Look at the word is" personality traits is to understand others when often using analysis method, but is it science has been a lack of empirical research.And lu in the junta's experiment could fill that gap.

Researchers stressed in the paper, the study is still in its infancy, but the handwriting polygraph system could set is used to apply for loans, insurance claims need to verify the authenticity of the program.

"This is a promising technology, but need to put to the test in a larger scope."17. The daily mail quoted Richard wiseman, a psychology professor at the university of hertfordshire said.

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