To see what people fled but faces three year pain of seven year itch

facesWhat people fled but three years the pain of the seven year itch

Three years of pain, the seven year itch.This sentence seems to have become much injury friends in love experience.Love in the third year, when all the fresh and mystique gone, have the passion sooner, stagnant state.Many couples will have new thinking and feeling at this time, these ideas will often because of the lack of communication, or differing views and eventually lead to break up two people.

To see what people fled but faces three year pain of seven year itch

Seven year itch?Love came to the seventh year, all the passions, no longer feelings sublimation for the family.When we took each other's hand, touch each other's face, everything is so familiar with.Whether did not have the newness of life is like a chicken ribs, food tasteless, abandon a pity?After so many years feelings should not give up speaking out of turn.This world too much temptation, however, no firm will, it would be easy to be engulfed by the world.To confirm the seven year itch again say...


Lip is thin,?And?Men who have a clear to the feelings of nostalgia, rare play very heavy heart, interpersonal relationship is more for utilitarian purposes.Trevor?Is the mouth drooping lip, it is the phase of not feeling a bit fickle, pays attention to oneself very feel, more?Dear John, etc. Emotional disturbance.


General nose front we call sewer hook nose, such a man a look, it is not honest man, a catty, and possession of coolness, but the heart is not cold, very active, can use their external image, get more women's heart

His eyebrows

Eyebrows curved like the man of the moon, a mostly emotional, heart is very delicate, very considerate, understandingA womanHeart is not under the words, because of easy contact with the opposite sex, with special chemistry, are popular with the ladies.This kind of person derailed after married probability is the largest.If the eyebrow bend plus eyebrow scattered, generally this man is very attractive, always can let the opposite sex to dazzle, their resistance and bad self-control and opposite sex slightly discharge, was the past.


Most responsible men look more strength, but some men in the eyes of the eye wateryly, gherardini, such a man to middle age, peach blossom easily confused by women.If the eyes like water or double-fold eyelid, so really need to be careful, this man is relative sensibility, in the face of the temptation of opposite sex is hard to control his, the easiest way to do a BaoXiaoSan, mistress this kind of thing.

Eye grain

Crow's feet and the man, they take part in accidental amusement, most use virtual appearance to conceal themselves, go to outside philandering, but one thing, such a man usually mutton didn't eat, has a SAO, once found that such a move, let oneself lover will initially be honest for a period of time, still have not changed.Eye end toward the upward sloping, grain crops and long?The man forever?Be suspicious, always perfect requirements and hope each other, everything should according to their requirements, the typical male chauvinism, so meet again good woman, also will only endless, constantly looking for new.

Actually, itch and pain feeling wanted should be the same, is nothing but feel passion fades, originally close two people increasingly far, innocuous, began to confused at the beginning of love.Why are there three years the feeling of pain?Because of the existence of perfectionism?At the beginning the vigorous, the smell of love, very anxious to two people stick together every day, finally choose the marriage, can MingZhengYan suitable to live together, but one day, only to find that love not at the beginning of love.Is he changed?Or did you changed?

"Or not, just before the marriage of two individuals are covered her eyes illusion of love, just like Internet relationship between, to yearn for a life of pure feelings, while ignoring the existence of some disadvantages in life;Relative and two people live together, day and night, familiar with each other, that kind of familiar can let a person produce a habitual neglect.In fact, marriage life not just want to have love, more is daily necessities these in worldly matters, so the original dream in reality."

How so many no divorce of husband and wife go right to the end of this life?Don't support the marriage only on both sides of the sense of responsibility?I think it should be and trust each other, and promise.

The so-called "seven year itch" refers to a fresh, familiar with two years, three years boring, think about four years, five years plan, appeal for six years, seven years.Another way of saying that refers to peopleTo get marriedIn the seventh year after starting around, go through the test of a crisis, then there will be two results: either benign and healthy direction of the development of marriage or two people apart, apart, could eventually lead to divorce, divorce.

Think, in life's journey, no one is going to read such a proposition: to know each other, love, familiar, and then to insipid.Love afraid of more than just "three years, seven years," the cold Numbers, three years of pain, the seven year itch is inevitable, but pain itching, only their most familiar, is the most can make yourself comfortable.

The real reason behind the seven year itch

Normal men for three years, seven years, ten years after their marriage, there will always be the idea of "cheating", or the active or passive, the so-called "three years of pain", "the seven year itch" still makes sense, if married ten years out of the rail, basically, men have a chance of alleged infidelity, derailed because time has in the past, the idea of cheating can only relentless was buried by insipid marriage.Why do married men easy to cheat?

Too much pressure on the job

Modern society spawns many "modern disease", the working pressure is big, nervous rhythm of life.Man is easy to bring their own work mood will go home, the results still want to work with when to go to bed, natural lift not spirit, not to mention a good night's sleep.

And most modern women is no longer a housewife, because is with my own business, self-esteem, self-confidence has been pushed to the extreme.They often work hard the scalp, return to a home is tired.And at the same time, both the male and the female are most likely to produce conflicts, emotions will temper than usual.Sex, sometimes become the medicine of the reduced pressure, many women failed to good use.

Just because too lonely

Because most divorced couples are separated, not normal sex life, because of work, in order to earn money, in order to feed their families, man again difficult also to reload, selfless, and women at this time, don't fantasy was supposed man?

Was supposed because for men outside on business often have dinner party is not realistic, is not conducive to work and, of course, is not conducive to unity.Man and I will be hard to work outside, so drink a pastime is justified, if let a man body supposed that it is better to castrate him get good directly.Men to home is not easy, women also should understand understand.

Sex is not harmonious

Mencius the old man said, the color also.The so-called food also color, it means that sex andHave a mealJust as important.There is an old saying: people in China is iron, the meal is steel, a stew don't eat hungry of panic.If both sides of husband and wife for a long period of time not harmonious sex life, the marriage life is happy and happy enough.

Sometimes men are self-righteous, always likes to put the blame on the woman.Blame the wife doesn't know, also blame the wife is not good good do a woman's duty, wrong in woman.This, of course, is male chauvinism.Not a harmonious sex life men and women both parties have a responsibility.Men can not only solve the problem and to enjoy, not to explore interest and fun.

A lack of understanding of care

Most men, because the cause of the social role, so it is sometimes more reluctant to speak out their own pain and pressure, but is often buried in the heart, this time, men need more understanding and caring.Women also have their own family, also have a lot of things in the home, there is a negligence is inevitable.And some trivial things in daily life too much, always attend, everyday the other computer, television, telephone, life becomes dull.

Actually can enjoy high quality of life, but don't become a slave to high quality life, the young couple often recommend a shutdown, live the life of the unplugged, go out to play, then back to fall in love in the s.

The wife do too much

Modern society's progress, is to give a woman more opportunities, women are also more and more capable, emerge a batch of and a batch of outstanding representative, the emergence of a strong woman, disrupted the original Chinese time, the tradition of men, and the results of the little man into a big woman, capable woman let a man become accessories, so the man had to do in another woman there to find the feeling of men.

So the big women as a strong woman, if you really don't want to cheating men, then it is better to put women in the outside, or sat a young woman in the home, in the hall, the woman of the kitchen to retain a man's heart, a man is need to develop self-confidence, self-esteem is also need to respect.

Family economic disputes

In general, men earn money, mostly women tube.Women in mind, this money is to take care of the house, to master the economic power in the home, of course, can control the lifeblood of a living man, no money, see how do you go out fooling around.While men also want zhi dou for their rights, and always will save some money, but it's better to hide the secluded, caught then it is very bad for you.

This problem is very annoying, money more trouble, but if have no money, will be out of the greater things, really depressed.Women see money tight it doesn't matter, but must pay attention to a degree, to grasp the good, money is to retain, but a man's heart can run farther and more.

Ideology difference

For men, especially obvious ideological concept, men's and women's economic view, the world outlook and outlook on life, often with the passing years after their marriage, the distance gradually, men's ideas happen earth-shaking changes, while women tend to spin, prostrate, so a lot of problems.

Distance can have, but absolutely can not pull too open, otherwise, it will over time and let feelings of husband and wife have estrangement and the generation gap, so thought piaffe women must try to keep pace with The Times.

Wife "code" full disclosure - men and women, ten thousand of the entanglement of them, still addicted to each other, love of the game is always endless, unable to resist.However, the understanding of sex, men and women are always in the "apples and oranges.Subtle differences between body, soul has facing each other across the sea.

External forces affect

Who lies near the ink black, with colleagues to go out, don't you no hosting a group of the later work, with friends together, how to also cannot leave "henpecked" reputation, so it is sometimes also forced to.

Come out to mix, can have a few innocent?, however, not every man will not control myself, so women should learn to believe, would rather believe that he has no empathy don't love, also don't doubt, because of doubt, it will stimulate out a man's heart.

Social work need

Job without meal, dinner party indispensable eat and drink, neon, sometimes also want to do something false heart, of course, also have their own circle of friends, in order to work, in order to get each other's trust, people have to do some skeletons in.

So the man is a very strange animal, sometimes really is no way to turn a blind eye, because too much will hurt yourself.

Miss the past youth

Don't think that men really love young women around you, like this or that kind of silly wench film?That men are just want to find the shadow of the youth and good memory, men sometimes is very simple, often need to is just a feeling, follow the feeling, carelessly also lost themselves.

But don't worry, one day, when a man found himself is not, the tail to be your own two feet.

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