Dream dictionary dictionary

Dream dictionary dictionary is what mean?Dream dream dictionary dictionary?Dream dictionary dictionary has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dream dictionary dictionary detailed solution.

Dream dictionary dictionary

Dream of a dictionary, symbol, standardization of the answers.

Dream of Chinese dictionary, indicated in the expansion of knowledge.

Dream of foreign language dictionaries, indicated in expanding social side.

Students dream of the dictionary, said study attitude seriously;Adults dream dictionary, suggesting that you normally work there may be some lack of definite view, often rely on others, and tend to conform, at ordinary times a bit of a lack of flexibility.

Dream of have lost my dictionary, may signal in the face of hardship, you may be abandoned by friends, can not find the original may expect to rely on, also remind people dreaming with caution.

Dream of find dictionary, suggest that you try to develop and cultivate the spirit of independence, don't listen to the advice of others.

Dream of dictionary and encyclopedia, may say you want to be able to better understand the inner world, but to avoid because of curious as lot's wife, and too interested in exploring, but miss the joy of life, even in poverty.

Dream dictionary of case analysis

Dream description: I am dreaming that I am in the bookstore to buy a Chinese dictionary, is the latest version.Back home, I took out my new dictionary to prepare in the bookcase.Take a look at, how my Chinese dictionary into foreign language dictionary, I was surprised.(female, 26)

Resolution: dream dictionary of dream, represents the knowledge and social.The dream dictionary, means that you pay attention to the accumulation of individual heart.Dream of Chinese dictionary, bespeak the continued expansion of knowledge.Dream of foreign language dictionary, means social success step by step.

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