Dream of painting

Dream is what mean?Dream dream of painting?Dream with the reality and the influence of the reaction, but also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of painting a detailed solution.

Dream of painting

Dream of oil painting, if the dreamer is itself a painter, or engaged in related work, may symbolize the art pursuit of the dreamer.

In addition, generally speaking, the married men and women dream of painting of the wife or husband, may signal separation, not intimate contact.

Unmarried men and women dream of painting, feelings will be twists and turns.

Traders dream of painting, business will suffer, pay attention to the vigilance, proceed with caution.

Dream of painting, staff said will get promoted, reward, or increase the bonus.

Unemployed people dream of painting, suggest you can find a job, and will get promoted.

Dream of talking pictures, said you energetic, suggest that you look forward to break through the bondage of ossified thinking around inside or walls, the pursuit of more energetic and creative life.

Dream of moving pictures, indicate that you recently stable life rich, vigorous and energetic.

Dream of painting the monk, said your life rich, comfortable.

Dream of buy paint, suggest you will suffer, sad, or can only dream of desire.

Dream of painting to give others, or destroyed, may indicate that you feel the lack of creativity and feel anxious.In addition, the picture color, or subject expression, also reflect your mood and emotion.

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