Dream of ruler and the ruler

Dream of ruler and the ruler is what mean?Dream dream of ruler and the ruler is good?Dream of ruler and the ruler has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you dreamed of ruler and the ruler of the detailed solution.

Dream of ruler and the ruler

Dream of a ruler, portends a will make loyal friends.

Dream of set square, will be lost in the love triangle.

Dream of quantity square, that your heart hope things have a satisfactory results.

Dream of a ruler is broken, malaise, indicate the relationship changes

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: the ruler is the symbol of the right, it can represent things fairly and objectively evaluate the ability.

Feet, psychological analysis: from the implied meaning, represents a person in the society should comply with the standards of behavior.But if excessive indulge blindly pursue, even the so-called ";Temporize socialism ";, the result can only be at the expense of their own personality.

Spiritual symbol: from this level, feet symbol in the dream dream in spiritual demands on yourself.

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