Dream of posters labeling

Dream of posters labeling is what mean?Dream dream of posters labeling?Dream of posters with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of posters labeling the detailed solution.

Dream of posters labeling

Dreams see poster said urgently for naming things and anthropomorphic wish for it.His own feelings with baptism, people for his name.According to the labeling evaluation, such as to clothing, judge a book by its cover, actually was a big mistake.

Dreamed of you in my dream was labeled wrong, said you understand not know themselves correctly, or just evaluate yourself by his appearance.

Dream of you, the new label marked him to correct the wrong understanding.

Dreamed that involves some posters that your failure to observe the etiquette and custom.

Dream to see posters, let you understand their feelings (see name).

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