Dream of tents

Dream of tent is what mean?Dream dream of tent?Dream of tents have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you dreamed of the tent of the detailed solution.

Dream of tents

Dream of tents, symbol wandering life, difficult to settle;Or have a travel, camping recently.

Dream of tent in the wild, said life drift tough, you wandering heart for a long time, for temporary habitat.

Dream of tents, predicted to hit the road, to start a new journey.

Dream of buying a new tent, predict affluent, or will be appreciated promotion.

Dream of tent is broken, or holes, hinted it might or situation cannot make you satisfied with your current job and may not be able to settle down.

A womanDream of tents, her husband may get promoted.

The unemployed dreamed tent, will be in the tourism sector.

Traders dream of tents, leaving for overseas business.

Dreamed that there are a lot of tents, was attacked by the enemy.

Officer dreamed that there are a lot of tents, said to the front.

Dream of have a lot of tents, beware of the opponent's attack, may happen serious conflict between you.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: the symbol tent with you is a journey, don't settle.You want to rest place is temporary.

Psychoanalysis: you ought to be in a certain period of time to keep distance with the responsibility of daily life, to find their relationship with the forces of nature.If you satisfaction and does not depend on others, that will be very helpful for you.

Spiritual symbol: on spiritual level, the meaning of dreams tent can be traced back to the bible, or a symbol of nomadic people.It represents the ability to remove the tent to go ahead.You are not fixed in a certain place, can in a short period of time until he must go to the place.

Dream of tents

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