Dream of glass

What is the meaning of dream of glass?Dream dream of glass?Dream of glass have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of water glass solution to speak in detail.

Dream of glass

Water main goods

Water glass is used to hold water, the water main, water glass has a similar meaning.

Dream of the waterGlass full of water, means that will make a fortune.

Dreamed that glass is empty, it is means that our own efforts will get nothing.

Dream of glass accidentally knocked off, means will encounter unexpected disaster, poorer than escape.

Dreamed someone pour water in the cup, then indicate the will receive aid.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: water main gain.Water glass is used to hold water, the water main, water glass has a similar meaning.

Psychological analysis: the dream of a cup full of water, a sheep, means that will make a fortune.Dreamed that glass is empty, it is ominous, suggested that his efforts will draw water with a sieve, ultimately nothing.Dream of knocked off water, means will encounter unexpected disaster, poorer than escape.Dreamed someone pour water in the cup, is auspicious, portends a will get the help of others, in the end things accomplished.

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