Dream of shaft

Dream of axis is what mean?Dream dream of shaft?Dream of shaft with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of shaft detailed solution.

Dream of shaft

Dream of axle is broken, or deformation, indicated that you will meet resistance, opposition, or under pressure.

If the dream of in the axle, or put the new shaft, suggest troubles will be over, you will overcome obstacles to move on.

Dreamed of axle case analysis

"Dream a"

The dream description: struggled out of his dream of people were trapped in the axle

Dreams resolution: today is the day when you will be able to quickly learn knowledge, and fit with the lover or short trips.It is a day of impulse, you will have the charm of drama, and very eager for people to express their views.

"Dream example 2"

Description: dream dreamed that I was at work, machine axle is broken. Go home and rest.

Dreams resolution: on the one hand, may be you work more tired, rest with the idea of another may be afraid to lose you make to your current job, have to worry about.

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