Dream of ship mast

Dream of the ship mast is what mean?Dream dream ship mast, ok?Dream of ship mast have realistic effects and reactions, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the ship mast detailed solution.

Dream of ship mast

From the era of sailing ships mast, sail hung Yang navigation at the same time, also undertake to ship the role of the "eyes and ears", the path is: "DiaoDou night, the wind in a standard".Along with the social progress and ship technology development, the sail of the era of masts pillar gradually lost the power of function, evolved into pure ship information carrier.

Dream of masts of fracture, means the disaster happen, should try to avoid as far as possible.

Dream of see the masts of ships, said you have a pleasant travel long distances, the journey will make a lot of interesting friends, and get many new signing.

Dream of a silence of the ship by rocks, visible only on the mast above, means that your surroundings have changed, making you have to alert, pack up to play.

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