Dream of perfume

Dream of perfume is what mean?Dream dream of perfume?Dream of perfume has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of perfume detailed solution.

Dream of perfume

Dreamed of perfume on clothing, household spending will soar.

Dream to others on the clothes of the perfume that you'll get promoted.

Dream lover's clothes perfume that you will win each other's heart, love is a significant progress.

Wife, dream of the perfume on her husband's clothes, have a son portend, gave birth to a beautiful boy, the family more harmonious.

A married man if in a dream smell perfume, suggesting that incomes and business prosperity.marriedA womanTo do such a dream, will pay more attention for her husband, family harmony.

Smell of perfume, unmarried men and women dream may difficult to find the Mr Right for a while, some lonely heart.

Dream to buy perfume, you are welcome, a lot of people like you.

Dream to go to the store to buy perfume perfume, perfume bottles around is full of beautiful things in eyes, suggested that you want and leadership, authority 'elites to establish friendship.

Dreaming that I am a perfume shop selling perfume that brings fortune of human relationships, and not only his rich, still can let friends and relatives benefit from it.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: dreaming that I smell the smell of the perfume that you think of something special.The smell of the different in dreams represent different experiences or feelings.

Psychological analysis: a particular perfume can make you recall some had contact with you more.According to these people play in the dreamer's life different "character", in the dream you have different response to the corresponding perfume smell.In addition, all kinds of characters with a dream, the dream of all kinds of perfume also represents all aspects of the personality and characteristics.

Spiritual symbol: from the spiritual level, the perfume in the dream can through the information gained by the intuitive feeling on your behalf.

Dream of perfume fragrance case analysis

Description: dreams in life and I'm not a common people, but, I have a dream of a woman's body, a distinctive flavour.Smell, smell the, more and more strong, but I only hear, but not man.(male, 30 years old)

Resolution: dream dream fragrance, is to remind you carefully deal with relationships.Dream of the fragrance of general, represents the life of happiness.Men dreamed of tangy extraordinary fragrance, is to remind you not to be useful by women.Women dream of special fragrance, is trying to tell you not to pay out my feeling easily.Such as dream of sour, is the symbol of health.Dream of sweet, is a symbol of love and marriage.Dream of the bitter taste, represents the more trouble.Dream of chili, is to remind you to calm calm.Dream of self-comforting, is a symbol of deep emotions.

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