Dream of a desk

Dream of desk is what mean?Dream dream of desk, ok?Dream of desk has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of desk detailed solution.

Dream of a desk

Dream of a desk or desk, on the one hand, is a reflection of the daily work and study.On the other hand, may be remind you should pay attention to enrich themselves, enrich the spiritual world.

If the desk drawer is closed, may also be said on the business or social want to experience disappointment.

Dream of open the drawer of the desk, no matter he is sitting on a table or desk to write, all promising will make wishes, get it.

Dream of an ordinary desk, probably never people on the job and career prospects, confusion, heart in considering how to grasp the direction of the life.

Dream of a old desk, said the dreamer mentality more traditional at this moment, may this stage inner tends to traditional values, habits, opinions, judgment and handling of things.

Dream of a luxurious big table, indicate career development well, get promoted or entrusts with an important task.But it is also possible to remind you don't aim high.Dreaming that I am sitting in someone else's desk, you may be a little confidence in his ability.

Dreamed that he fell on his desk, writing academic or career will make greater progress.

Dream of others fell on the desk to write, means that you can get to know a mentor.

Rummaging through the dreamed that he's on the desk, or clean up the desktop, also could mean you will make a very influential new friends.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: if the dream of a old desk, such as old desks or classical desk, said you could go back in time values, habits, or beliefs.If the dream of a common desk, says you must consider how to better grasp the life in the future.

Psychological analysis: if the dream of his seat yourselves on other people's desk, may be a lack of confidence in his ability.

Spiritual symbol: on spiritual level, desk as a reminder that the daily rituals and rules can be a effective way to improve mental state.

Dreamed of desk case analysis

Dream description: is probably a bit these days want to look back to his Alma mater, I dreamed I went back to my childhood elementary school.I dreamed I went back to the classroom, fell on the desk, in written Chinese homework earnestly, also was praised by his teacher.(female, 23 years old)

Resolution: dream the dream desk, is a symbol of progress and mentor.Desk of dream, is a reflection of you hope in your heart have a fulcrum.Dreamed that he fell on the desk to write that you will make greater progress.Dream of others fell on the desk to write, means that you can get to know a mentor.If dream of chair, indicates the friendship between friends.The dream chair that hope to rely on your heart.

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