Dream of pajamas

What is the meaning of dream of pajamas?Dream dream of pajamas?Dream of pajamas have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up for the dream of my pajamas you tidy the detailed solution.

Dream of pajamas

Dream of pajamas and bathrobe, usually said you good vision of love and sex.

Unmarried young men and women to do such a dream that will be attracted to the opposite sex, soon there will be a lover.

Dreamed of such as mayonnaise, ketchup on their pajamas, also said you fear about sex.

Dreamed of pyjamas case analysis

The dream description: everyone is different, some people like fashion, some people like classical costumes, and I prefer my pajamas.I bought a pink pajamas again in my dream, it is many beautiful lace, especially pretty.(female, 31)

Dream dream resolution: pajamas, is the symbol of love and career double harvest.Men dreamed of pajamas, it shows that you are a devoted all their energy into the career of the people, the feelings for you at the same time also very seriously.It is a dream means that both career and affection.Women dream of pajamas, show that you are a man who attaches great importance to family life, the sweet sweet dream predictor for your life.

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