Dream of the mask

What is the meaning of dream of mask?Dream dream of mask?Dream of masks have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the mask the detailed solution.

Dream of the mask

Dream of mask, meeting friends.

Dream of girl wearing masks to them, be cheated, marry an uglyA womanAs a wife.

Dream to remove someone else's mask, can find the hidden treasure.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Women wearing masks, ugly wife."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream of psychology

Explanation: dream mask to cover real, dream mask is ominous.

Psychology analysis: dream of mask, meeting friends.Dream girl wearing a mask coming towards her, may be cheated, to marry an ugly woman.Dream to remove someone else's mask, can find the hidden treasure.Dreaming that I am wearing masks, means that the difficulties will be over.Dream of the wifeWearing masks and may be limited by his wife's cheating.Dream of head mask is uncovered, because of a fool, suffer.Dream of read someone else's head mask, may be insulted.

Dreamed of mask case analysis

Dream description: once-ler one night dreaming that I am making a ghost mask, ghost masks the zither inaugural terrible, looks like a face really, he slowly feel scared.But in the dream, he can't seem to control the mask has been doing the same, and while doing still laughing.

Resolution: dream the dream is a dream, said not satisfied with their attitudes towards some things at ordinary times, there will be a new awakening, the dreamer character can become more mature and rational.

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