Dreamed of his wife or lover

Dream of wife or lover what is the meaning of the painting?Dream dream of wife or lover's picture, ok?Dream of wife or lover's paintings have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of his wife or lover's painting the detailed solution.

Dreamed of his wife or lover

Dream of the wifeThe paint or lover will be separated from her.

Dream of hug his wife, is writing on the wall, and his wife separated.

Dream of bicker with his wife, conjugal love, happiness, happy life.

Dream of his own wife to marry someone else, suggested that his wife has a disaster strikes.

Dream of his own wife affair with someone else, you will improve reputation or status, by the people respect and prosper.

Dream of wife and adultery, means that you have extreme dissatisfaction to the real situation.

Prisoners dream of quarrel with his wife, soon to see his wife.

Dream and his wife separated, will be more love his wife.

Dream of looking for a good noisy wife, life will be happy and comfortable.

Dream of wife or lover's painting related content

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