Dream of the plate

What's the meaning of dream of plate?Dream dream of plate?Dream of plates with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of plate detailed solution.

Dream of the plate

Dream of the plate, symbol of a comfortable life, sometimes is predicted to increase in your social activity.

Dream of bright and shiny plate, usually indicates success, harvest, comfortable and happy life.

Dream of dirty dishes, says life or family feud, depressed.

Dream of plate full of food that will have good luck.

Dream of empty plates, suggested some stagnated recently.

Dream of washing the dishes, predict will have good luck.

Dream of dishes fell to the ground and broke, said you might be due to the stupid words and deeds, bring trouble to oneself, to be vigilant, to prevent the accident.

Dream of a style simple dishes, said dream people pursue simple, simple, natural life.

Dream of the cupboard, bowl rack filled with bright and shiny plates, said happily, a happy life.

Dreamed of flat plate, suggesting that your property may not belong to you personally, but belong to the collective, etc.

Dreamed that he was only in his hand, said to dream people get today's life, and to win before harvest, gratitude to others.

Dream of others for their plates, the plates or send to others, say you will share the joy together.

Dream like a bowl dish, with women, the meaning of sexual and reproductive.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dreams take the disc plate, plate of collaterals.Dreams from outside the introduction, the main drink food, or some interference.Dream to give someone, or take out the door, and warrants in something.Dream broken, the main of breath."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: if the dream of a style simple dishes, says you want simple life.If the dream of his hand grasp a dish, you know you should be grateful to others.If the dream of others to your plate, is likely to be the person you want to share with you a joy.

Psychoanalysis: if the shape of the plate like a bowl, it represents the female characteristics.If the dream is just a flat plate, on behalf of the collective property.Empty plate symbol with various needs and fun.Plate in flower and the color may be very important (dream of color design).

Spiritual symbol: on spiritual level, represents the collective dream plate and the public's happiness.

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