Dream of old clothes

What is the meaning of dream of old clothes?Dream dream of old clothes, ok?Dream of old clothes with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of old clothes detailed solution.

Dream of old clothes

Old clothes condensed the people's feelings, symbol of the rich.

Dream of old clothes, may represent want to know yourself, start a new life, or on behalf of the original, the old values, status or image.

Dream of piles of old clothes, rich life happiness.(Duke of zhou interprets

Dream of hole in old clothes, is a good luck of good omen.

A womanDream of the husbandWear old clothes, portendboys

Dreamed of wearing shabby clothes woman coming to himself, foreshadow the everything will be successful.

Dream of old clothes, symbol abhor myself, and eager to change the environment or jump off from the original environment.

Dream of old clothes

The duke of zhou interprets of query