Dream of the box

Dream of box is what mean?Dream dreamed that box?Dream of box with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official websiteDream of box) small make up to help you organize the detailed solution.

Dream of the box

The dream box, symbol of the mind, and closed, to protect themselves and other emotions.In addition, according to the psychoanalytic point of view, and the meaning of women.

Dream of something very precious box, on behalf of the true self, your inner enrich self, excellent quality, as well as the wisdom, strength and so on.

Dream of put things in boxes, symbol you want to get rid of, or forget some can not control feelings or thoughts.

Dream of open the box, indicate that you have to understand their inner emotions.

A womanDreamed a very want to turn on but did not dare to open the box, hinted at his subconscious repressed impulses, power, or dare not face up to the emotion, self.

Men dreamed of their fear of box, on the one hand, may be the symbol of your subconscious mind that repressed impulses, power, or dare not face up to the mood, self., on the other hand, may represent the heart a fear of female emotions, you may need to correct their feelings for mothers, women.In addition, there are may be symbolic of your inner fear.Life or work, there may be something, make you nervous.Dreamed that he was put into a box, suggested that you have closed state of mind.May have some worry, heart stop you in your own way, or the positive communication fear of the outside world.

Dream of empty boxes, plans may be lost, or to be disappointed.

Zhouyi dream


1, female symbol.

2, yourself, your heart.Open the box says you know something about themselves.If the box something valuable, it may represent the real you, basic or depth of self, and plenty of energy, strength, wisdom and love.

3, if the box makes you fear, like a Pandora's box, which is full of things as a pestilence.Then the symbol at least the following three possibilities:

(1) the symbol of your subconscious mind of pent-up force, id, and hidden emotions.

(2) if you are male, the box may represent a woman's negative elements, she entice you to damage, or despotism, hinder you separate mother.In this case, you should contact with your female, or (and) to review your emotion of mother.

(3) the source of on behalf of the disaster.In your heart, family or work environment what worries you?

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: if you feel like being in the dream in a box, said stop in his own way of development.If feel put things in boxes, symbol you want to get rid of can't control feelings or thoughts.

Psychoanalysis: different box can show different aspects of female character in the dream.

Spiritual symbol: on spiritual level, box symbolizes the female principle in the dream.

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