Dream of the contract

What's the meaning of dream of the contract?Dream dream of contract?Dream of contracts have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of contract a detailed solution.

Dream of the contract

Contract is set up between the parties or the parties and the parties, change or terminate civil relationship of the agreement.In the dream, contract is a kind of spirit.Is the spirit of perseverance and determination.

Dream of himself as a tenant and sign the leasing contract, said he would seize the opportunity rushes out a career.

Dreamed that he sign the leasing contract for rental housing and people, which indicated he would have the income of accident.

Dreamed that he signed a cooperation agreement, means we can make friends from all walks of life, there will be a good help for future career.

Dreaming that I write a contract, said he would be people hate.

Dreamed of his breach of contract that the oneself can have a remarkable achievement.

Dream of signing contract, show they have independent consciousness, want to do big things.Also suggest you to take responsibility, or get promoted.

Traders dream of signing contract, presage a new business.

Symbol contracts in dreams, often in real life let you in a dilemma, feel embarrassed.

Dream of and ruin the contract, said the promise let you very worry and anxiety;At the same time also reflects your commitment to the real state of mind, you want to get rid of the pain, to regain the light.

Dreamed of contract case analysis

The dream description: business, negotiation, signing contract is often the case.As a businessman, busy business during the day, my dream is also looking at things on the business.In my dream, I signed a contract, at the same time, I wish in the heart of this agreement will bring good benefits.(male, 32 years old)

Resolution: dream dream contract, represents the improvement and achievement.Dreaming that I am in the signing of the contract, it is a good dream.The dream which indicated due to your efforts and ability, you will get a promotion.Dreaming that I am in the execution of contracts, is also a lucky dream, means that you will be outstanding achievements in work.

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