Dream of official seal

Dream of official seal is what mean?Dream dream of official seal?Dream of official seal with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of official seal of the detailed solution.

Dream of official seal

Dream of official seal, represents the power.

Dream of the official seal to others, to promotion.

Dream of others to their official seal and personal life.

Dream of affix one's seal, good omen, showed his is right.

Workers dream of affix one's seal, that he will get promoted.

Dream of seal, fine, the enterprise will be very smooth.

Researchers dream of seal, work will be improved.

Traders dream of seal, the business is thriving.

Dream of official seal of the case analysis

The dream description: dreamed of unit official seal is missing, but later found it.

Dreams resolution: dream of seal was, that means you work pressure is too big, mental highly nervous, suggest you relaxed state of mind.

Dream of official seal

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