Dream of reading

Dream of reading is what mean?Dream dream of reading?Dream of reading has a realistic and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you read the story of dream of the detailed solution.

Dream of reading

The dream of the story, represents the peace and happiness.

Dream of reading, shows you a quiet life is coming.

Dream of listening to stories, predicted that you will have a good day.

Dream of writing stories, suggested that you might meet a little trouble.

What's the meaning of dream story

The dream description: when I was a child, often badgering mother tell a story, spoke one after another, total also not enough.This dream, I dreamed that he seems to have returned to childishness, let mother told me the story.I was lying in the arms of mother listen to mother tell a story, I feel warm, special happiness.(women, 16 years old)

Dreams resolution: the story of a dream, represents the peace and happiness.Dream of reading, shows you a quiet life is coming.Dream of listening to stories, indicated that you will have a good day.Dream of writing stories, indicate that you may encounter a small trouble.

As the dream of anecdotes, on behalf of the greater success.

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