Dream of the floor

Dream of the floor is what mean?Dream dream of floor?Dream of floor with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of floor detailed solution.

Dream of the floor

Decoration floor, usually said the family harmony, comfortable and rich life.

Dream of wooden floor, said the effort will get a satisfactory return.Actually different floor decorative pattern and color, will bring different feeling, but in general, said the family warm, safe and comfortable.

Dream of ceramic floor, indicated that all the happiness of the dreamer's life.

Dreaming that I am in the maintenance of the floor, or scrubbing the floors, says one recent dreaming finances, lucrative and successful career.

Dreaming that I am lying or sitting on the floor, said personal life comfortable and easy and comfortable, smooth.

If the dream of floor crack, or distorted, means that the dreamer may be poorer.

Dream of floor tile, the same happy life.

Dream of the case analysis of the floor

My house is covered with tile, but I've always liked wood floor.Dream, I dream of the floor with a wooden floor in our house.Walk on the wood floor, the feeling is much better.Wooden floor, I believe, although more expensive, but more comfortable.(male, 33 years old)

Resolution: dream the dream of the floor, means happiness and fortune.Dream of wooden floor, showed that nearly a period, your efforts will get good returns.Dream of ceramic floor, all the happiness of the predictor for your life.Dream of the floor in the maintenance, suggest you nearly period of good fortune.

Dream of the floor

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