Dream of the paddle

Dream of the paddle is what mean?Dream dream of paddle?Dream of paddle with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of paddle detailed solution.

Dream of the paddle

Dream OARS is the symbol of the dreamer ability, said the pursuit of the ideal voyage, need their own efforts, to show their true talent.

The oar can control the direction of the boat, make it move forward, but asked for boating skills.Therefore, in the spirit level, the dream the spirit tool of propeller is probably has guiding function.

After a man dream of OARS, through their own efforts, business will succeed.

A womanDream of OARS, predict career, dreamer intelligent spell able, get leadership attaches great importance to, but also rely on family life.

Dream of wave paddle boating, said the recent state is very good, you work hard to achieve goals.

Dream of broken paddle boating, or lost OARS, suggest that you may receive the bad messages recently, or will be in trouble.

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