Dreams are a way of expression of desire

Dream is the satisfaction of desire, this is the interpretation of the dream to produce a more popular.But according to the scientific theory to analyze, don't have the logic of something happened in the dream.How so dreams are produced?Dream reality with us if there is a relationship?A dream full of mystery, we can do anything in the dream, fearless, but woke up from the dream, we seem to be nothing more, because the dream is a sign of real life desire.When we were out of the dream reality, there will be a feeling of emptiness.

Dreams are a way of expression of desire _ duke of zhou interprets

In real life, each person has a strong desire for one thing, the scope of this desire more extensive, or people, or things, or things.But this desire for the bondage of reality conditions, the not satisfied.So during the day, they will desire camouflage, hidden in the heart or mind, try to control the desire to appear.But at night, in his sleep, when our spirits lax, hidden in mind or heart will uncontrolled expansion of desires, and intensified.But because desire did not have enough power to control the action of the flesh, so would be to dream.So dreams instead of the reality, has become the desire of performance.

Dream is the main carrier of release of desire, is also an alternative expression of desire.Real desire in the form of a fantasy in the dream, in order to satisfy people's pursuit of dream of things, so the dream is subconscious through psychological barriers.We can do anything in the dream, has a strong power to satisfy their own desires, then because of affected by energy, we will exist in the bottom of the heart of darkness selfish idea, frank, clean.Your actions in the dream, however, does not represent the real you, so it is not the nature of your performance.

There used to be a psychologist, said the reason we will have a dream, is the brain in the independent consciousness will be under the control of some events may borrow drilling dreams.So our dreams also points a lot of kinds, have nightmare, such as a dream.The occurrence of nightmare, a dream is brain exercises of the proceeds of the scene.But this practice also has relations with the consciousness of our potential, the brain will be about something that may occur and the way to deal with drill again in the dream, for dealing with real life happen some similarity conditions.So in general, the occurrence of dream and reality there is a certain correlation.Because its exist in psychological or desire in the dream in mind, consciousness emerge in the surface of the reflected, and with the help of a dream, choose a variety of image to satisfy yourself, so this is also the formation of a dream.

Dream is the desire to present content, is a substitute of reality.A lot of people is through dreams to feel his own desire, thus there are a lot of people addicted to the dream, the passage of time will confuse dreams and reality.It has to do with our psychological endurance, when some of the things in life is beyond the scope of our bear, can selectively to escape, and to eliminate the power of the dream that kind of pressure.So the existence of dreams have good and bad, good can eliminate stress, the bad will make us trapped in a dream, virtual, and escape from reality, psychiatric diseases.

Dreams are a way of expression of desire

The duke of zhou interprets of query